Sure, ADT won’t get gas when you feed it hotdogs, but the motion sensors & alarm also won’t make a burglar regret every decision that they ever made. Good dog, Rosie.
Sure, ADT won’t get gas when you feed it hotdogs, but the motion sensors & alarm also won’t make a burglar regret every decision that they ever made. Good dog, Rosie.
Looks like maybe cut an artery on the window to me. Scary stuff all around.
Big chunk of glass in the upper left corner of the open frame. Sliced the shit out of themselves. Odds are dog pic and bloody window frame are not related images.
Reminds me of that scene in The Good Guys where Ryan Gosling’s character tries to punch through a window and cuts his arm up and slowly realizes he’s fucked lol
I was assuming that was all Rosie, but you might be right…