So, after some playing around trying to figure out a preferred physical layout, I decided a Hillside 46 splayed keyboard would be about right. Thanks to Leo at Beekeeb for answering all my questions before ordering and during the build! Surface mount soldering was tricky, but everything works on the first try! I finally can use Dvorak with keycaps in the right place. Keymapping is a work in progress as I am getting used to this, and I am still trying to figure out how to get my Unicode characters to display in Linux (though for the Mac they show up fine). Now for lots of practice to build up new muscle memory, and develop a lighter touch so I don’t keep inputting command characters unintentionally.

    1 year ago

    Nice work! It’s good to see a fellow Dvorak user. The Hillside keyboards have always looked interesting to me.

    Have fun on your keymap journey! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different choices, especially for the thumb keys, mods, macros, combos, sticky keys, etc.