We just accept it as the cost of doing business. Like so many things, this should be an Apollo like national endeavor to develop for public safety, not private profit, but our cesspool of a country abandoned such things to greedy private interests decades ago.
If you don’t want such important technologies being developed and controlled by sociopathic, egocentric narcissists like musk, then maybe we should think about rebuilding the society we let get dismantled into complete ruin to lower taxes and become a bunch of rugged individuals competing against one another for scraps.
The answer isn’t to continue to passively accept us impulsive monkeys getting behind the wheel of manually controlled metal battering rams in perpetuity.
We might as well have Hannibal Lector in charge of it, but let’s not pretend humans are even passable drivers.
We have 100 dead, and 7,500 vehicular injuries a day in the US alone.
https://arashlaw.com/how-many-car-accidents-are-there-in-the-usa-per-day/#:~:text=That NHTSA notes that this,in car accidents every day.
We just accept it as the cost of doing business. Like so many things, this should be an Apollo like national endeavor to develop for public safety, not private profit, but our cesspool of a country abandoned such things to greedy private interests decades ago.
If you don’t want such important technologies being developed and controlled by sociopathic, egocentric narcissists like musk, then maybe we should think about rebuilding the society we let get dismantled into complete ruin to lower taxes and become a bunch of rugged individuals competing against one another for scraps.
The answer isn’t to continue to passively accept us impulsive monkeys getting behind the wheel of manually controlled metal battering rams in perpetuity.
Eat the rich
Pretty words.
Where’s the
beefcapitalist cold cuts?