Sucks. Idk. There’s things I need to prioritize, and need to stop distracting myself with my fucking phone.

Most of the day is fine, but after it gets later in the evening, there isn’t much on nostr, here, reddit or the other places I use and it makes me feel sad. Bc I have no one to talk to.

And then it forces me to realize that I’m avoiding my responsibilities. Idk how to fix that. My fucking cell phone isn’t going any where but I’m -stuck- in it

It’s my distraction, entertainment and social life. Everything outside of my phone is what I’m drowning out on purpose bc I don’t want to deal with it.

Then it’s night time, and I have nothing to show for myself after being on my fucking phone all day.

Just another day that I didn’t take care of anything.

Idk I’m sorry. I know you guys can’t be there all time, yall have lives and stuff I understand that. I need to figure out a way to chill out or something.

I just don’t get how I went from having my shit together and then now being at a point where I don’t leave the house.

I’m isolating myself on purpose.

EDIT: Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. You all have me valuable advice and it really means alot. Yall are awesome and you made me feel better. Thank you

    1 year ago

    yeah, totally get this. replace ‘phone’ with ‘computer’ and ‘sad’ with ‘bored’ and you could be talking about me too.

    some advice i got secondhand from a fren’s therapist was to try to do at least one thing different from your normal routine everyday just to break established patterns. drive a different route, exercise, clean something you don’t have to, try something new for dinner, reach out to a buddy or relative you haven’t talked to in a bit, whatever. friend had been going thru depression when he got the advice but i tihnk its good regardless. i just need to kick myself in the ass and actually follow it lol

    i listened to one of the jordan peterson audiobooks last year and it had some similar stuff in there. i think one of the examples was if you had let your paperwork pile up and were overwhelmed by the task, then start off with 1 or 2, just do some small piece and force yourself to come back to it and keep doing small pieces. probably can be adapted to a lot of stuff but my brain is shutting down for the day and can’t really think

    another friend swears by getting a dog. i’ve thought about doing that too. if you actually take them out to dog parks, exercise, etc could even add to social aspect. i like big dogs but am horribly lazy. especially since i’d probably want a retired police dog or something similar

      1 year ago

      “Try to do something different” This is strong advice, however, I’d change to it “Go do something”

      Doesn’t matter what it is, doesn’t have to be new, you just need to do.

      Have a thought? Go do it instead of convincing yourself not to do it.

      Super simple, yet still hard to do when… well… life is what it is.

    • Alice@exploding-heads.comOPM
      1 year ago

      Thank you man, it means alot. I have two cats. I’ve had dogs before and you are right about that. Having them forces you to get up out of bed bc you have to take care of them.

      I see how it helps. Even though I don’t have to walk my cats, even though they have food and water, they’ll cry for me to get out of bed when I’m sleeping all day.

      They knudge me and won’t shut up lol until I get up and at least open the curtains and turn the TV on.