I tried to learn functional programming. I’ve talked with recruiters and talked with small business owners.

“We only hire the best!” “X language is better than Y language.”

OOP is the future, FP is the future, NO SQL is the future, NO, SQL wasn’t that bad, go back!

Every 6 months the technology changed, all of it was hype all the time. But with all that noise, we finally see what they’ve built. It’s crap. Thanks to Elon, we can see behind the curtain of Twitter. It’s a pile of crap.

Building and maintaining a huge codebase is hard and there are no magic bullets. You need smart, talented people who care about what they leave behind.

They could have built something beautiful and elegant. They built crap. That pisses me off.

  • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
    2 years ago

    Yeah but you can also keep collecting your pay check off literally two hours of actual work per day if you play your cards right.

    I have experienced plenty of anti white racism within IT. The nepotism is insane. I actually know a group nearby me that got arrested for selling jobs. A indian dude was taking huge bribes from other indians to get jobs. Turns out that is illegal and he got arrested.

    On that note though, if I lived somewhere where there was mostly only white people I would experience less tribalism, less rascism but I would also make less money.

    So, It is what it is.