Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/tails by /u/pdprototype on 2023-06-30 07:59:24+00:00.

Hi, I searched the documentation, troubleshooting, and more for this problem but couldn’t find a solution.

I have a MacBook Pro 13.4 - Intel with a Broadcom BCM43602 network controller.

I can see nearby 2.4/5ghz networks, but it will not accept their password. It just keeps telling me to authenticate.

I’ve seen many posts now that this is “not” supported. But that is incorrect. I’ve run Tails on this Mac for 3-4 weeks without connectivity issues. But I hopped off for about a week and got back on tonight, nothing. It won’t work at all.

I’ve not updated Tails nor downgraded. I’ve kept everything the same except giving it a break.

How is this controller supposedly ‘not’ supported, yet I ran it for quite some time with it?