I’m kind of in a strange boat right now where I’m really comfortable in Canada yet I can’t shake this feeling I need to get over to the US of A in order to take advantage of that strong USD. I, like many Canadians, work for an American firm and have a TN visa. Recently, my employer offered to sponsor me for a green card, if I ever choose to relocate to the USA. I can live pretty much anywhere I want as I’m a remote employee, but I do travel to the USA for client work.

It’s a tough decision to make. While I consider it, I thought I’d ask the community. So, say you good lemmings?

  • JshKlsn@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Nah. Don’t feel like being caught up in one of the 15 mass shootings per day where the government will try to brush it off and blame it on trans people.

    I may be dirt poor in Canada, but at least my trans neighbour and I are both safe when we leave our places.

  • T (they/she)@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hell no. We even talk leaving Canada for Europe because of the influence US has here. I will gladly have a month PTO and better worker benefits, thank you.

    • ThePrivacyPolicy@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Same. With our first kid almost here we’re starting to realize this isn’t going to be a place that has much of a prosperous future for him. Our politicians want us to be USA Jr. so bad, our polarization is stronger than ever, and most of our main industries are run by a few oligarchs that no parties care to break up. My wife works for an EU company so we’ve seen and talked first hand with many friends over there and despite their own problems (no country is problem free) it’s a region of the world that has a lot more to offer for social benefits and securities for families, and they have much less of a divide that all the far right nut jobs are sewing all over North America in recent years. Considering our options over the next 4 years.

  • weew@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    nope. lol. Not unless my salary doubles, at minimum, and that’s just to make sure I don’t go bankrupt from healthcare. Actually fuck that, because if I get an injury that prevents me from working I’m still completely fucked. They’re also notoriously anti union and worker rights are eroding day by day

    That place is a shit show. Let’s not even talk about Republicans…

  • ifyoudontknowlearn@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    We did it for four years. Washington state in the Seattle are is very nice. We met a lot of great people and we have fond memories.

    Having said that it was clear early on this was not going to be permanent. Imagine taking your kids to the local park and seeing a sign that said no guns allowed in this park. Wait, guns are allowed in some parks? WTF. That was just a head scratcher. I found it genuinely hard to be in a place where I was decidedly middle class and so many people were so poor and with no benefits at all.

    I remember once chatting with a cashier at the grocery store over the weeks as she was pregnant. One day I stopped seeing her and figured she had her baby. Two weeks later she was back. No maternity leave. She took her full two weeks of vacation and that was it. Shit.

    Or the conversation I had with a cab driver who talked about still being in debt because his FIL was sick and avoided getting medical attention because none of the family had medical coverage until he had to be admitted.

    The medical system is a confusing shambles of insanity. That’s if you have good coverage. Once our daughter was sick and the childrens hospital directed us to a closer clinic. We went. There was a discussion about possibly admitting her but in the end she went home. A few days later she was worse so we ended up going to the children’s hospital and she was admitted. Turns out the near by clinic was not in our medical coverage group and it cost us nearly $1000 out of pocket. Not fun but doable. The thing is, she was two nights in the hospital where we were covered. If we had admitted her the first day at the wrong hospital it would have cost us at least $10 000.

    The whole system is a fucking nightmare of land mines and no one has any clue what any particular thing will cost you.

    I just couldn’t be happy under those conditions. Side note I’m not happy with the slide in equality here in Canada either BTW.

    My job is in high tech and they pay was no better, just even. We lost money on selling buying houses, but that’s just timing. I kept track of taxes paid. After medical expenses it was only a 5 percent savings and one medical emergency would too that the other way. Yes, I had great medical coverage.

    • MacroCyclo@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I was in Oregon and had really good health insurance, but was always a bit terrified of actually ever using any medical services. It’s so much less worrying to know that the emergency room won’t ever cost you anything in Canada. That said, I’m sure if I did ever need it, it would have been fine.

      • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        always a bit terrified of actually ever using any medical services.

        That’s kinda the problem: in America, ‘preventative’ care is only talked about in past tense, like “wish he’d’ve gotten looked-at before it cost him his 401k AND house as well”.

        No one goes for testing, no early warning.

  • blunderworld@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    No way. Stronger dollar is enticing, but the pros dont outweigh the cons in my opinion. The tribalism of american politics, the lack of free healthcare, and the increased risk of gun violence are some of those cons. These alone absolutely kill any interest I might otherwise have in moving to America.

    • MacroCyclo@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      The healthcare and gun violence are definitely big considerations for me too. If it wasn’t for the constant onslaught of mass shootings, I wouldn’t hesitate as much when considering between Canada and the US.

  • Powerpoint@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    No. The risks outweigh any possible benefits. If it’s a red state then the risks are even higher in terms of quality of education, healthcare and employment.

  • healthetank@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    So background - Civil engineer with ~5Years of experience. Now fully licensed in Ontario. Have a wife and expecting our first child this year.

    My FIL is dual and has been harping on me to move there since I graduated. Pay is, on average, much higher. Current 85k CAD, likely 100-120k USD if I moved.

    However as a P. eng I’d need to rewrite two massive technical exams before I’d be able to be licensed there, and not all states have reciprocal licenses, meaning if we moved in the states I may have to rewrite them again. Additionally, with a family, average insurance costs eat up all/most of the difference in salary - my FIL is C-suite executive and that’s roughly what he paid for his insurance yearly between co-pays and premiums.

    Then add on more tribalism, high prevalence of guns, and the generally huge wealthy disparity they get, and Ive decided it’s not worth the move.

    But weigh the factors for yourself. If you can, try to go work somewhere for a month or so to see how it feels

  • Dr. Bob@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I lived in the US for a while. I knew people in the consular office in California who shared the stats on Canadian movement into and back out of the US. 75% of Canadian immigrants will repatriate within seven years. I was an over achiever, it took me 9.

    There are advantages to being down there, but they are all centered in being childless and in good health. Everyone is one chronic illness away from bankruptcy. I was a post-doc at UCLA and my wife was a lawyer. The health insurance we could afford didn’t allow us to get treated at the hospital I worked at. As a matter of fact we basically had to choose between preventative care and acute care because our policy wouldn’t cover both.

    The public school system has been so eroded it is basically useless, so you will have to use a charter school.

    I enjoyed my time there, and California is a great place to be rich, but it gets much harder as you settle in and face actual adult life there.

    • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      Boy that would be a terrible idea, as an American who had traveled a lot and is enduring a stint here until I get back to first world and safer second-world countries.

  • AlternateRoute@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    If you are single this sounds like it might be an interesting opportunity as long as you find a GOOD place to settle in the US. Much like every province is very different in Canada so are the states.

    However keep a few things in mind:

    • you will be a foreigner ( make sure you know your rights / or lack there of)
    • your employment terms may change immediately from being fairly safe and having severance in Canada in law to changing to at will termination in the US depending on the state and situation.
    • find out ALL the details of your company medical coverage and its cost before going, everything will cost you money medically in the US but you might get faster service
    • If you are thinking about buying a home find out what the laws are for foreigners on a TN visa… Also find out what the property taxes are as in some states they are VERY high, while the price of the home is attractive.

    Alternatively look into low cost of living places in Canada and consider moving within Canada. You may find that there is a lot of difference in the provinces and major cities.

    • zephyreks@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      There’s like 4 states I would consider in the US in terms of having similar protections as Canada while having good employment opportunities: Washington, California, New York, and Massachusetts. Unfortunately, these states are all insanely expensive and quickly eat into whatever pay raise you would be getting unless you’re a software engineer or something.

    • Djangofett@lemmy.caOP
      1 year ago

      It’s easy to blame Trudy when it’s all levels of gov’t. Healthcare for example is provincial.

  • ebc@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    The real cheat code is to work for a US company (and get paid in USD), yet live in Canada (and have expenses in CAD).

        • Numpty@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          It really depends on how you’re paid. I’m paid through a Canadian payroll entity so all taxes are sorted properly with the CRA.

          The only thing I’ve got to be aware of tax wise is maintaining my Canadian tax residency… which means being physically on Canada at least 6 months of the year.

          • pbjamm@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            Current plan is for them to make me a contractor to simplify things on their end. I would prefer not to do that, but if that is what it takes to make the move possible then I will deal with the fallout.

            • Numpty@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              That’s pretty common for companies that don’t have a payroll entity in a particular country. A lot of startups do this and slowly add payroll in countries that have a larger or growing number of employees.

              There isn’t much for fallout. You will have to set aside $$ for CRA - either prepay into your CRA account on a quarterly basis or put money aside each month in an account you NEVER touch until tax time. It’s not too hard to guestimate your taxes owed.

              You will have to keep all receipts - you can claim quite a lot as a contractor. I’d recommend also hiring an accountant. It won’t cost you that much - maybe around $500 if you are organized and make things easy by tracking things in a spreadsheet or personal accounting program.

              You typically won’t get benefits… but most companies will top up a fixed amount per month to allow for what you’d usually get as an employee.

        • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          If they pay you through a Canadian subsidiary then it’s no trouble, if you’re paid by the American branch itself you might have to file taxes in the USA along with Canada, I would check with an accountant how your specific situation works because there’s loads of different situations and you don’t know if the person you’re asking is in the same as yours.

  • Falken@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Droughts in the west are going to end up causing mass migrations once all the water is finally gone, and the extreme heat in the east makes me think if anything people are going to be leaving the USA, probably in our lifetimes.

  • MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I live in a small town in Eastern Ontario and work for a company in California. I would never, ever move to the US. Ever. We have it so much better here in Canada.

    • Djangofett@lemmy.caOP
      1 year ago

      What’s better about here, in your opinion? What would compel you to consider moving in the United States?

      • MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        Workers rights. I insist that my contracts all say that they are governed by Ontario and Canadian Labour law. I have withdrawn my name from consideration more than once because they insisted on my contract being governed by one state or another’s labour laws.

        Democracy. The fact that every citizen has the right to vote and equal access to the ballot box in non-gerrymandered electoral districts.

        Personal freedom. Canadians have much more personal freedom than Americans. Yes, they have hate speech and guns but we have so much more actual freedom than they do.

        Healthcare. You pay WAY more for health insurance in the US and even so they will deny everything and make you fight for it. I have a good friend who quit a job because their insurance company was denying all claims. My sister has osteoarthritis in her spine and needs surgery. Her surgeon is one of the best in the business. Her insurance company overruled her doctor and said that she should take physical therapy…for an irreversible, degenerative bone disease. Physical therapy for six weeks will cause her agony and worsen her condition.

        Guns. So many people who shouldn’t have guns down there have guns. Gun bravery. Fear. Who needs an AR-15 to do groceries of buy coffee? They’re terrified all the time and they’re armed. That means they’re dangerous.

        I could go on…