I am a 52 y/o child free man (reddit refugee), married to a 42 y/o child free woman. We are retiring in the next 3-4 years.

Happy to talk to any other child free people or answer questions about a child free lifestyle.

Let’s build up this community. ☺

  • fartdumpster@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    hi there!

    i am 27/nb, married for over 5 years to my partner (28). i got permanently sterilized last year and i love it. we aren’t well off by any means, but we’re comfortable enough, have a house, and have the time to do what we want without being tied down by a kid.

    we are both in the field of IT, so hoping to work our way up and start making real money in a handful of years. we would like to move to a different country as well (currently we are in the US). we love the freedom of the DINK life!