After seven years at Snapchat, I finally learned the truth about why our most important apps seem destined to disappoint us

    1 year ago

    Congrats on the home lab! Nothing like having a single spot for containers instead of multiple random boxes and pi’s (if your anything like my slacker ass). I also have been completing some long over due server / infrastructure maintenance at home. Finally got hardwire drops to my office and den fed into a server in the garage. After 2+ years of “I’m gonna do that next week”. It feels good to make progress on things that were normally cast aside for another endless scroll of bots arguing over climate change or whatever r/shitthatwastesyourtimeandmakesyouangry was serving up for the day.

    Thanks for the heads up on the search engine too. I’ve been a duckduck main for a few years but even that seems to be faltering and serving trash results lately. So many reddit results now, sure seems like they’re astroturfing search engines. Excited to have an alternative that gives me that good random one off page that a human wrote and actually may answer my question about why my goddamn proxmox network is shitting the bed again.

    Cheers friend! Here’s to hoping the “new old” internet we’re experiencing right now sticks around for a bit. I think we all need it.