While editing in an input field, I’m so used to going for Ctrl+W instead of Ctrl+Backspace because it’s more ergonomic. But almost all modern browsers use Ctrl + W to close tabs. Since when was this a convention? I’d love to go back in time and git revert this change. Incredibly frustrating.
TL;DR: old man yelling at clouds.
CTRL + SHIFT + T (multiple times if needed) will reopen the last closed tab.
Problem solved
I know, but this happens only when editing text. Tab closed = text gone.
Doesn’t your browser warn you about closing a tab with an active text input field in it? I get an “information you’ve entered may not be saved” popup.
It needs to be an active form, text field is not sufficient.
Not with CTRL + W
It “force closes” the tab. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I get the same warning popup behavior closing the tab with the mouse or with ctrl-w
Pretty sure that’s been the shortcut since Mozilla Phoenix (now Firefox) introduced tabs in 2002 or so.
29 years here, get my first computer in 2011 after using it sometimes in my sister’s house. Never used ctrl+backspace in my life and did not know it existed. Edit maybe you can try something like that? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/shortkeys/
There’s also Ctrl+delete which deletes the word after the cursor.
Dude stop blowing my mind
Pull the W-key from your keyboard.
Realistically, how often do you even use the W-key? It’s practically useless as is.
(just for completenes sake: /s)
Yeah, just use vv instead.