• 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Probably not but something similar perhaps. Also, it will take decades to get there. The banks and oligarchs will buy up the local police forced and for their own little fiefdoms. They would then send them out to loot and pillage resources from the workers. Cities will be a hellscape. Most farmers will be killed and their land will go to the families and friend of the cops that show the most loyalty to their masters. There will be lots of fighting and killing. Most of these “preper” types will get killed in their bunkers and looted. Unless they are also part of the oligarchy and/or cops that serve the oligarchy. Normal people will either wind up as serfs, slaves, or dead.

    The big issue is, is there electricity? Things will stay civilized for a lot longer if we have it. If it goes out for a month 10-20% of the population is gone depending on the season. Cities will crumble and chaos will ensue. Rural areas will quickly get overrun as people trying to flee.

    There was a report released by the Pentagon some years ago that showed just how ill equipped the US power grid is. All it would take is the destruction of 13 specific sub stations and the US power grid could be shut down for 18 months. In that time it’s estimated 80% of the population would be gone. Not saying this will happen just showing the importance of electricity to todays people. If you can’t survive without it, learn how to. When it goes, you got maybe a week before things start to get violent as the less equipped become desperate, fight with those that are better off, and not long before stuff starts to cascade. I won’t even go into the exodus of people fleeing cities. Those in rural areas think they are safe and will just farm their land but what happens when thousands from the city start to flee every day?

    I do not doubt the ultra rich would use a situation like this to wipe out the population in certain areas intentionally. Keep the power for themselves. Cut it off to the rest, and use the cops as their enforcers.