My last post was removed, probably due to not having an accompanying message.

Here’s my first rice! I couldn’t find any theme/dotfiles that I liked (most were dark purple/dark blue or somewhere in between), so I decided to roll up my sleeves and make my own.

The color scheme I extracted from the wallpaper.

OS: Arch

WM: hyprland

Bar: waybar

Terminal: kitty

Fonts: Gohu Nerd Font

Music: ncmpcpp/mpd

RSS reader: newsboat

Matrix client: nheko

Browser: Firefox

      1 year ago

      I have 5 monitors, zero gaps, and fight for every pixel on the eww bar on the one screen I’m showing it.

          1 year ago

          Also hyprland, moved from ion3 about half a year ago.

          Do you want screenshots or config? I can’t directly publish stuff - I keep my configs in a git repo that started as CVS in the 90s, and contains lots of stuff that shouldn’t be public - but can extract individual bits.

          edit screenshot with (hopefully) everything sensitive removed. Emacs is in a scratchpad (“special workspace” in hyprland). The desktop where emacs is displaying opens stuff like teams, slack, …

          Hyprlands way of being able to tie desktops to displays and their numbering works better with keeping the same setup across different devices than with ion3 - with the same setup on my notebook I just have one desktop visible at the same time, but I still get to my terminals with Alt-1, my main browser instance with Alt-2, my chat windows with Alt-4.

          The small display on the right is a Wacom Cintiq - useful for random overflow stuff when not in use as tablet. I have stuff like IDEs, virt-manager, waydroid show up on workspaces bound to Alt-`, Alt-[ and Alt-] which go to that display.

            1 year ago

            @aard Thanks, appreciate it! I am a xfce user with my own script to move windows around that kinda acts like a window manager, tailored specifically to what I need. I made several attempts over the years to switch to a floating wm but never found the sweet spot with multiple monitors involved, so I am always interested how other peoples setups look.