No mention of why Romania was in such a bad state. Turns out it was the same playbook as today with the Global South. Romania gets IMF loans mid 70s. And just like John Perkins discusses in his book ‘confessions of an Economic Hitman’, the IMF made the terms of the loan contingent on austerity. Then due to global macroeconomic conditions and interest rate hikes, Romania can’t repay the debts and starts to implode. This of course by design as per IMF/World bank strategy.

The people rise up against AUSTERITY but libs scream about ‘communist dictatorship’.

Zero historical context. Just ‘Communism bad, mmmkay?’. Like the Ukraine proxy war, nothing happened before Russia invaded. No it was ‘totally unprovoked’.

Here’s the background of this propaganda:

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Key Events in the timeline of X Bad Communist Country:

    • Previous government which had some issues but could have been worked out through dialogue, debate, and reforms, is brutally overthrown by violent ideological communist terrorists
    • Those terrorists evilly steal and pillage the institutions of that previous government and brutally loot the businesses of hard-working citizens, giving them to the lazy, inferior, unwashed masses
    • As a consequence of this, the country falls into abject poverty, with breadlines and freedom of speech brutally repressed for decades.
    • We put sanctions on them AFTER this. ABSOLUTELY 100% AFTER. I cannot stress enough that the sanctions did NOT cause the former thing to happen, it was only AFTERWARDS. But it’s also fine if they did cause suffering because those people are bad and inferior anyway.
    • Protests from people yearning for freedom in this brutal communist regime occur and are brutally crushed, brutally. Thousan-- tens of tho-- HUNDREDS of thousands of people are murdered by state forces and their bodies washed into sewers so there’s no evidence of this happening, but it did definitely occur. Five million people are killed in this genocide, which claimed twenty million lives over a 20 year period; this truly awful crime of humanity killed fifty million people, and-- ah, this just in, that genocide actually killed seventy million, more than previous estimates from seven seconds ago, and-- did I hear eighty million from the gentleman in the back? 85 mil-- 90 million! Going, going-- a HUNDRED MILLION, to the fine person in row 5, going, going, and… SOLD!
    • Eventually, the communist regime collapses due to corruption, mismanagement, and a lack of respect for basic human nature. We help them institute democracy in the aftermath and restore those hard-working businessowners to their rightful position above the masses who destroyed their country out of lack of work ethic / This communist country is a mere 5 days from complete collapse because none of the people in charge have any knowledge of even Economics 101, and are too stupid to figure out how to save their economies via privatization.