They’re not worth anything, never were but even less through the years with inflation.
If a store wants to sell something for 99 cent, they can either just take 1€ or 95 cent.
Maybe even 5 cent pieces? But that would be a bit radical.
I am a bit annoyed that easy ideas like this are never discussed in politics, or wherever. It would make our lives just a little bit easier, and having them achieves NOTHING.
There are European countries that have no 1 and 2c coins (Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Finland). The prices are the same, when you buy something the sum is simply rounded up to the next 5 cents.
Works fine.
Here in NL the amount gets rounded to the nearest multiple of five, so for 1.92 you have to pay 1.90 in cash and 1.93 will become 1.95. This so on average you are not overpaying. Digital payments are always exact.
I am all for it. Though here in Germany it would probably give quite a number of people a heart attack not being able to pay an exact amount to the cent.
I feel called out.
No, seriously. Last season I bought some plums from my Turkish greengrocer, he put them on the scales which said 1.01 Euro which he commented with “one Euro”. I gave him 1.01 Euro, and got a “can you believe those Almans” look.
Aren’t there already some Euro-Countries that abolished 1 and 2 cent coins?
Just looked it up: Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Ireland.
I haven’t seen them a lot lately in Austria…
Austria still totally uses 1/2ct coins. If you are one of the weirdos who still pays in cash, that is.
Why would be one a weirdo if they pay in cash?
As a swiss person, I get surprised every time the price doesn’t automatically round to the next multiple of 5 cents when I’m in the EU. So yes, get rid of them.