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65% of U.S. adults say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency.

    1 year ago

    That isn’t a compelling argument. It isn’t even a logical argument.

    That isn’t a broken system. That is a system working as designed. You may not understand the perfection of the electoral college but you’ve yet to create a compelling reason to change it. The flaws you are mentioning are the strengths of the system.

    What you want to do would require a constitutional amendment to change it and the smaller states would not allow that to happen for the reasons I have explained. It would negate their vote and we a government of 50 states, which means the states want to keep their power.

    We are not a democracy, as our founding fathers understood the flaws. There is a reason we are still ticking while other nations have fallen or never prospered the way we have and part of that is by not allowing changes on a whim. The system was meant to move slowly and methodically. It was meant to have checks and balances.

    While it isn’t perfect, it is a pretty damn good system. The most popular person shouldn’t be the one to win. It should be the one selected by the states through the electoral college. It allows the states to have a say in who becomes president.

    Now if we could just remove the voting rights from poor people, we would be able to get this country back on track.

    Popular doesn’t mean good. Joe won the popular vote and now we are all paying for his incompetence with rampant inflation. We can’t survive another four years of having such a popular president.

    • PizzaMan@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      That isn’t a compelling argument. It isn’t even a logical argument.

      You didn’t ask for a syllogism.

      That isn’t a broken system. That is a system working as designed.

      Then it is a terrible system. I don’t care what synonym for bad you think is most accurate here. The electoral college is inferior.

      You may not understand the perfection of the electoral college

      The founding fathers were not gods. They intended for the constitution to change over time as things become outdated, and this is one of those things. The president elected president should most accurately represent the people, and we don’t get that with the current system.

      What you want to do would require a constitutional amendment

      This is a separate tangent, so I won’t bother addressing it.

      We are not a democracy

      We are a democratic republic.

      Democratic - we vote

      Republic - for representatives

      This is grade school levels of understanding that you are missing out on.

      There is a reason we are still ticking while other nations have fallen or never prospered the way we have

      It ain’t the electoral collage that got us here.

      and part of that is by not allowing changes on a whim. The system was meant to move slowly and methodically. It was meant to have checks and balances.

      An electoral college doesn’t have anything to do with allowing changes on a whim, or moveing slowly and methodically. All it is, is a way of counting votes. Counting the votes in a more accurate method doesn’t change the speed of the process. And you can still have checks and balances under a popular vote.

      Now if we could just remove the voting rights from poor people, we would be able to get this country back on track.

      Are you joking, or are you actually this misinformed/malicious/mislead?

      Popular doesn’t mean good.

      Never said it did.

      Joe won the popular vote and now we are all paying for his incompetence with rampant inflation. We can’t survive another four years of having such a popular president.

      He won because of the electoral collage, because of how it forces a two party system. Joe Biden is the result of your oh so fond electoral college. If we had something that actually elected officials that we all like (see STAR voting), Joe Biden would never have become president.

        1 year ago

        No I’m very serious. Allowing the plebes to vote has done a lot of damage to the country. They just vote to take from others. That isn’t how to run a country.

        You keep saying there is something wrong with the system when there isn’t. It works as designed and it won’t change in our lifetime.

        The voters don’t matter as much as the state. That’s how the system was designed and works.

        Also it isn’t a rented. It while require an amendment and it won’t happen for the reasons I’ve described. The little states won’t want to lose their power. As such it’s a thought exercise at best