As the title says I am trying to see where people stand on this. Obviously this is all personal preference. But that is what I am after.

After depleting our savings when buying our apartment 2 years ago, we’re about to cross 6 months liquid savings in just plain old savings account with ability to immediately withdraw money.

(To clarify that is 6 month assuming 0 income, which is very unlikely given the social system of our country - so realistically we have even more in savings.)

As you can imagine, the interest in this account is not great, so I want to set a limit as to when we stop dumping every spare penny into the savings account and begin doing other things (likely try to invest).

    1 year ago

    A fair point.

    Personally, I use ‘savings’ as a catch-all for any form of money you have no intention of spending frivolously. Be that in savings, stocks, or other forms of investment.

    I’ve got a relative who saw anything beyond the 6 month mark as spending money. I don’t know what form his investments manifested in, but it clearly didn’t work as he’s in financial do-do, and it’s an unpleasant topic amongst the family.