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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/inlovewithsadness on 2023-10-07 00:02:10.

Throwaway account… Me (M45) and my wife (F42) have been married for 15 years. Before I was able to marry her, I had to convert to Catholicism so we could marry in a church. I wasn’t raised religiously but my dad was Catholic and mom was Jewish so didn’t really feel a huge connection to religion. I didn’t mind converting at the time and it was an interesting experience. But as I’ve gotten older, I feel less and less religious. Not quite an atheist but I have no interest in organized religions. They can be good but there’s too much bad stuff. Now we have two kids (M5, F7) and before they went into school I discussed with my wife that I’m not super comfortable with them going to a Catholic school. We had a discussion and I told her my feelings now and she got very upset and said I promised in our marriage vows to raise our kids as Catholics and I’m now going against our vows and breaking our wedding contract. Needless to say, both our kids are now in Catholic school and if I make any small remark about not being religious anymore, I get the same reaction.

So AITAH for my changing my mind about religion and what I want for my kids?