This is just stupid.

I’m an atheist. A devout atheist.

This is not “secularism”, it’s stupidity.

As atheists, my family celebrates the traditional secular commercial Christmas. We will also happily attend Chanukah celebrations, Kwanzaa celebrations, winter solstice celebrations, Nicholas Day celebrations, Yule celebrations, Festivus celebrations, or whatever else we are invited to attend. Our beliefs are not so delicate that they could collapse just from being exposed to others joyous celebrations. We love participating in other people’s joy.

This sort if fanatical secularism sucks all of the joy out of the season.

    11 months ago

    To me, (late 20s/early 30s) Christmas has never been about religion. Sure I got gifts Christmas morning from Santa but in my house “god” wasn’t a thing. It was “Santa”. Christmas is it’s own thing… It’s bringing the family together, doing nice things or giving gifts, and spoiling the shit out of the kids.

    Anyway, I’m not religious, and to my knowledge no religion aligns with my believes. However, a HUGE thing for me is ‘live and let live’. basically the same as what you’re saying. As long as you’re not harming anyone, life your best life.

    You can tell me “happy Hanukkah” or any other greeting in any other language and as long as it’s used as a greeting, why do I care? Shit, I’ll probably even ask about it if I’m ignorant. “Oh, it’s Hanukkah? Tell me more, what do you do? How do you celebrate?”