A new report reveals how AIPAC has set its sight on challenging the Squad in the 2024 primaries, as they continue to criticize Israel’s war on Gaza.

One of the biggest political operations in Washington is gearing up to take down The Squad, the Democratic cohort that has heralded progressive policies from the Green New Deal to tuition-free college, throwing major dollars behind primary challengers they believe can unseat them in their 2024 reelection campaigns. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is expected to spend at least $100 million in the Democratic primaries in an effort to knock out the seven “Squad” members, reported Slate. They include Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, and Summer Lee—all Black and brown members of Congress who have been vocal critics of Israel’s war on Gaza.

The Israeli lobby’s counter effort will likely only be the beginning of a very tumultuous battle for the Squad to retain their seats. Affiliated super PACs, including the Democratic Majority for Israel PAC and the Mainstream Democrats PAC, are also expected to throw cash at the drive to unseat the seven, who have been outspoken in their opposition to Israel’s occupation and continued military bombardment of Palestine.

The United Democracy Project super PAC has already launched a six-figure ad campaign against Bowman, Lee, and Kentucky Republican Thomas Massie after the trio voted against a House resolution to stand with Israel against Hamas.

And Bush, Bowman, Lee, and Omar are already facing Democratic primary opponents in their districts, still a year out from the election, thanks in large part due to the aggressive recruiting efforts and expenditures from AIPAC.

link: https://newrepublic.com/post/176959/aipac-spending-target-squad-2024-election

archive link: https://archive.ph/InMow

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I mean, i believe human rights should be a thing everyone enjoys. which is why I want Palestinians to get them and have a cease fire. 20 years from now, Israel is going to realize that nothing has changed, they’ll still be fighting this on-again-off-again war for reasons only they know.

    over a scrap of land.

    The only way towards security is through peace. The only way to peace is to give Palestinians a voice and representation, and to treat them like humans that actually matter. Something I learned growing up watching an endless war because some douche bags gave us an excuse.

    • Rapidcreek@reddthat.com
      10 months ago

      I’m glad to give you the vehicle to spout your great oratory, but it has nothing to do with the subject and what I wrote.

      Imagine how people would be reacting if a powerful, lavishly funded Muslim lobbying group was preparing to spend $100,000,000 on the 2024 elections to defeat the most Islamophobic republicans in Congress.

      As much as I despise the GOP’s vicious attacks on Muslim Americans and immigrants from Muslim countries, I still wouldn’t want lobbyists representing a foreign power exerting that much influence on our elections

      I feel the same way about AIPAC

      • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Absolutely agree.

        AIPAC, ADL. Anyone else bribing politicians (and that’s what it is, really,)

        Citizens United needs to be overturned; and all donations logged and public.

        • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Well, agreeing with AoC, yeah. Her position as I understand it is they-palistinians- deserve rights and not being blown up, which I whole heartedly agree with.

          Not just because it’s right, but because that’s the only way to end the threat Hamas and assholes like them pose