• SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      Are you kidding me?? Speculation tax, vacancy tax, minimum supply targets for high demand cities, limiting zoning power of cities, funding public and co-op housing, pre-approved housing plans for fast approvals, upfront zoning framework to minimize consultation times, removing rental restrictions across the province, removing many age restrictions on stratas, banning short term rentals like Airbnb for non-owner occupied units, and on and on. They’re in the news non stop for their housing policy.

      It’s to the point where, as someone deeply concerned about this issue, I can barely think of a good policy they haven’t done. They’ve been the most active government on the continent on housing.

      • PenguinTD@lemmy.ca
        11 months ago

        I don’t even know if this applies to provincial jurisdiction but they could have do a couple other things that won’t tank the market and create new crisis, so more people can have affordable housing.

        • extra tax on housing owned in the same 15~20km radius range from your principle residence, on top of the vacancy tax. it steps up more and more the more house units you owned. And a ramp up for such tax yearly so eventually it’s not worth owning multiple housing in a metropolis.
        • prevent rental corporation to own multiple buildings or complex in the same region, cause they will have more capitals to create that rental price increased in a region. rental corporation/building should be subject to reviews from tenants to ensure quality of operation. And honestly, rental corp shouldn’t really be a thing, they should be like non-profit oriented but pays well to the managers since managing buildings requires good quality work. (for profit corp would eventually try everything to reach a certain earning goals, that’s the nature of corps.)
        • finally, for town house and condos, a publicly funded information website to make information transparent. Who is the strata company, what maintenance they did, who is the contractor and the pricing, voting result and record(since we removed rental restriction by law, voting owned by the same owner should be counted as such). There are a lot of shady practice that aren’t good for anyone except the few pocket the funds. There should also be more regulation on contracting out maintenance works to relatives of strata manager or council members.(conflict of interest.) This will help drive down overall insurance cost if everyone gets quality maintenance review/work/pricing.
    • Velonie@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      Have you seen the news lately? There’s absolutely being work done on this and the newspapers keep running airbnb sob stories. They have been pissed off

    • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      Not a single damn thing is being done about our catastrophic housing and cost of living crisis here in BC.

      Citation needed for this…

      Tackling this was their plan and they are accomplishing it through Bills 44, 46 and 47 to force municipalities to build desner zoning, to streamline the process around building new developments and paying service fees, and to build denser housing units around transit hubs.

      Having lived in Ontario, believe me I’ve seen what “doing nothing about housing” is like. And I know the BC NDP’s plan is on the right track because Richmond, land of suburbia, is complaining about it.

    • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      You’re obviously leveraging Cunninghams to ensure the right citations are here - from the dozens out there - before the con-zombies show up and start another Karen Convoy or something.

      And that’s a noble effort. Our NDP is only second-best in terms of properly managing those things we entrust them with, but the zombies don’t understand they’re promoting the worst of them.

      Thanks for taking the heat and risking looking absolutely foolish to ensure the FPs frame the discussion against a backdrop of Eby’s success.

      And when someone mentions how Mike Farnworth absolutely nullified the voting and disenfranchised everyone in Surrey so he could get the pricier less-capable metro-cops in there, it’ll at least stand out as one of a few missteps against a passable list of positives.