Gf likes watching the r/crochet posts for ideas when she stumbled onto this post

Remember the title, this is important. “I couldnt afford a gift SO I MADE a snake”.

While this isnt spectacular, albeit cringe because the snak simply looks terrible a lot of Redditors got suspicious. Mods locked the post and that should be the end of it right?

I got curious and went into the profile.

Watching the profile reveals something interesting;


The black man suddenly turned into a white fat woman hand. Odd.

Looking even further into the profile you will see a bunch of posts on subs like “shitmomssay” and similar crap. Also a LOT of posts on r/chrochet.

This made me wonder, did he actually make it? Or did the fat white chick make the snake so he could give it to his kid?

Because THIS seems very similar to the crappy white snake from the original post;

Wew, a one on one copy without the wings, and the same crappy crocheting 🤔🤔🤔 And of course, the same fat white hand.

What do you all think? Did the fat chick make the crochet and gave it to him so she could post him on Reddit and pretend he made it?

I personally think he forgot to get a present and they pulled this from an old project. Which is ratchet as fuck LOL.

This is a certified detective post made on the toilet.