Australian lawmakers have banned the performance of the Nazi salute in public and outlawed the display or sale of Nazi hate symbols such as the swastika in landmark legislation that went into effect in the country Monday. The new laws also make the act of glorifying OR praising acts of terrorism a criminal offense.

The crime of publicly performing the Nazi salute or displaying the Nazi swastika is punishable by up to 12 months in prison, according to the Reuters news agency.

Mark Dreyfus, Australia’s Attorney-General, said in a press release Monday that the laws — the first of their kind in the country — sent “a clear message: there is no place in Australia for acts and symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust and terrorist acts.”

    9 months ago

    The scary thing is, once we ban hate speech, who gets to decide what is hate speech? If it’s the current Supreme Court then hate speech will be discussing medical procedures with your doctor. So…

      9 months ago

      Idk, hate speech has been illegal in the UK for a long time. Race, ethnicity, sex, nationality, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation and religion are all protected under hate speech laws. The statues have been continuously updated since 1986 and we’ve still managed to not criminalise asking your doctor for an abortion.

      I think I’d rather live with hate speech laws than without them, but if I lived in a country that couldn’t separate church from state, or in a dictatorship, I suspect my opinion would change.

      9 months ago

      In Canada restricted hate speech works like this :

      It requires three parts.

      1. It is publicly expressed (if it’s done in a private setting it isn’t chargeable)

      2. It targets a person or group of people with a protected characteristic such as race, religion or sexual orientation (the protected grounds for discrimination are outlined in section 3 of the Human Rights Act)

      3. It uses extreme language to express hatred towards that person or group of people because of their protected characteristic which means it counts when

      • Describing group members as animals, subhuman or genetically inferior

      • Suggesting group members are behind a conspiracy to gain control by plotting to destroy western civilization

      • Denying, minimizing or celebrating past persecution or tragedies that happened to group members

      • Labelling group members as child abusers, pedophiles or criminals who prey on children

      • Blaming group members for problems like crime and disease

      • Calling group members liars, cheats, criminals or any other term meant to provoke a strong reaction

      Punishment wise it’s about on par with a disorderly conduct charge… So about the same as being drunk and yelling your head off in a public place or running nude through the streets. Police aren’t likely to arrest someone for it unless the hate speech is obvious or well documented it and someone actively complains.