Librey, il motore di ricerca open che ospitiamo da tempo da ieri sera non restituisce più risultati.

Lo stesso problema è riscontrato su tutte le altre istanze #librey

Nell’attesa di aggiornamenti e soluzioni consigliamo di usare l’ottimo motore di ricerca decentralizzato #presearch.

Usandolo potrete anche scegliere di supportare i #devol iscrivendovi da qua:

Donerete circa 1€ dopo un mese di utilizzo.

Vi aggiorneremo a breve per librey, scusate i disguidi.

@[email protected]

    9 months ago

    Parlando di presearch, anche se i dati raccolti sono ridotti al minimo e anonimizzati… Dalla loro privacy policy

    International Data Transfer

    The Company has offices outside of the EU and has affiliates and service providers in the United States and in other countries. Your personal information may be transferred to or from the United States or other locations outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction.

    EU users should read the important information provided below about transfer of personal information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).

    I dati raccolti sono maggiori se si accede per sfruttare i reward

    • filippodb - fddt@feddit.itM
      9 months ago

      The Company has offices outside of the EU and has affiliates and service providers in the United States and in other countries. Your personal information may be transferred to or from the United States or other locations outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction.

      questo riguarda gli utenti che si iscrivono e solo per esigenze tecniche per gestire l’account, ovviamente non comprende dati di ricerca o altro:

      Information we do not collect:

      • We do not store your search terms.
      • We do not track or store your GPS location.
      • We do not use third-party cookies.
      • We do not track users across sites.

      Information we may collect:

      To provide account customization and combat fraud and abuse, Presearch may collect the following information:

      • Any information you provide through your profile (name, nickname, avatar, etc.)
      • Your email address
      • Your password (one-way encrypted)
      • Any information provided when making a purchase
      • Account referrals
      • The search engine providers you select
      • Search events (when a search was conducted, how many tokens were earned, and which provider was used)
      • Your IP Address
      • Your blockchain wallet address if you submit or connect it to your account or use it for a deposit or withdrawal.

        9 months ago

        sì, infatti ho specificato “se si accede”, forse dovevo riformularla meglio :)