I was a protestant for a long time. I converted into Protestantism from Gnosticism, and then converted to Catholicism from Protestantism.

It has been very beneficial to me and I want to give back. I know the struggle of looking at the Catholic Church from the outside. It looks weird and a little pompous.

I think however I have distilled something that I can give back to my protestant brethren.

My experience in Catholicism has been along the lines of this. I am before Jesus, and he asks, “What do you love more than me?”

There is always something. I take that something and I go and work on it. I take it to confession. I get it taken care of, sometimes it is a long process sometimes it is quick.

I go back before Jesus and he asks, “What do you love more than me?” I repeat the process. There is always something but each time I go through this I get closer to Jesus.

So, praying to Jesus, asking him what you are putting in front of him. That part is easy for protestants toyou keep going back do. What do you do with the answer?

Confession is available to Non-Catholics, if you go to a more modern church. Call ahead and ask, be sure to tell them in the confessional that you are not Catholic.

Short of that talk to a friend. Tell a good Christian friend you trust what you have put before Jesus. Ideally they will be on the same path.

Make sure you keep going back and asking.

  • zamorano@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    You were Gnostic? Cool. I have been looking into that, and they have some pretty interesting ideas. Its too bad the church wiped them out. Regarding your post, you should try Roman Catholicism, loving God more than Jesus isn’t that big a deal in RC.

    • Scruffy_Nerfherder@exploding-heads.comOP
      1 year ago

      Well… I grew up in Christian Science. I am glad to be out of it. It doesn’t claim to be Gnostic, but it fits the pattern really well.

      The Demi urge isn’t a god so much and doesn’t create. It just obscures God’s good creation. It also isn’t explained at all.

      It’s a theological mess.

  • Scruffy_Nerfherder@exploding-heads.comOP
    1 year ago

    How do you deal with it when Jesus gives you an answer?

    Confession! Confession may be a deal breaker for you, but an examination of conscious should be just fine. There are video’s online that can take you trough it, no surprise they will be mostly Catholic. It is better to ask for forgiveness of a particular sin rather than just throw a blanket forgive me of everything Lord!

    Reading and listening bout the Saints can be very instructive. Their lives show us what is sin, and what isn’t sinful. They are an excellent example of how to live your life in such a way that you don’t lose your soul. Be careful you don’t fall in love with them.

    • Scruffy_Nerfherder@exploding-heads.comOP
      1 year ago

      SO, to put it all together. I know my posts get a little unruly so I must summarize here.

      1. As a Christian, Jesus is the most important, we should love him the most but we don’t.
      2. To fix this ask him to show you what is standing in the way and how to correct it.
      3. Work on your life to make changes and pray for strength to grow / confess / read good books about saintly people.
      4. Repeat the process until you are free from all earthy attachments.