Is the mentality finally changing? Do Detroiters and metroDetroiters™ finally see the need for reliable mass transit? Most likely not — it’s probably because the QLine and its older sister, the People Mover, are as of recently free to ride.
Detroit’s streetcar system said Tuesday it had more than 1 million riders in 2023, representing a 50% increase over the prior year.
The QLINE’s ridership numbers last year showcase a rebound from the pandemic, which led to a service shutdown in 2020 that ended the following year as well as changes in work patterns that meant fewer people commuting.
The decision to keep QLINE as a free service, which was not always the case, has likely helped as well.
I can dream, can’t I?
Alternate links for your convenience…
Further reading at The Metro Times…
Every time I have used the Q me and the group i was with had to get out and walk because some invalid had parked on the tracks. We beat the train every time.
As they say, “name checks out.” This is why I always travel by litter.
In the linked article, your misfortune apparently had been addressed…