Achtung! Es scheint eine Leckage bei r/lindnerwichsvorlagen vorzuliegen!!
Achtung! Es scheint eine Leckage bei r/lindnerwichsvorlagen vorzuliegen!!
You are showing exactly the behaviour that the meme is criticising.
You are showing exactly the behaviour that the meme is criticising.
Yes it only appears every 10.000 posts. So you better upvote for good Luck.
Thinking - Not even once!
Ein Witz wie ein Knüppel in der Nacht: Stumpf aber unerwartet.
Mit Verlaub, wir sind hier nicht bei r/rocketbeans.
Obviously I have no idea if this works for you, but for me, it comes down to this:
The Cycle of Hobbies I jump from one to another without any schedule or plan. Oftentimes I take interest in a new variation of one of my hobbies, but other times I just pick up old projects that (for no apparent reason) are interesting again. But(!) I (by pure chance) have a pool of hobbies that are different enough, which makes switching between them easier.
enjoy it while it lasts I stopped caring about finishing a video game. I may pick it up in the future (or not) but that does not lessen the enjoyment it’s giving me in this very moment.
stop it, if it starts to suck I am that I learned to stop reading a book I do not like, to stop watching a series I don’t enjoy or to box a project that becomes to tedious to finish. If it becomes interesting again in a few months or years, I will gladly try it again but if not, it probably wasn’t worth my time anyway.
So long story short:
I burn through hobbies, but I can say with confidence based on experience (and a pinch of hop) that the ones that really got to me will come back eventually.
You can try to write yourself a „dopamine menu“ with stuff you know you generally like. This may at least help bridging the boredom gaps.
Rotkohl tritt dem Gespräch bei
A way without the apostrophe could also be „Franzens Haus“ (but that’s out of style since a few decades)
There‘s a tiny detail that makes Nazis even worse than (at least non-offending) Pedos:
Beeing a nazi is a choice!
Uuuuhhh… wir sind hier wohl bei feinen Leuten, man fickt nicht selber, man lässt ficken! Nobel nobel….
Minenhandwerk? Hat da jemand Minenhandwerk gesagt?
I think it’s tougher for children to be left by one parent, than having a by-choice-single-parent. I think role models of any gender don’t need to be your parents.
Im düstern Auge keine Träne Sie sitzen auf’m Lokus und fletschen die Zähne: "Feddit, wir maimaien dein Leichentuch, Scheißepfostieren den dreifachen Fluch - Wir maimai’n, wir maimai’n!
Ein Fluch dem Guido, zu dem wir gebeten In Störeskälte und Zangendeutschnöten; Wir haben vergebens gehofft und geharrt - Doch er brachte einfach wir_iel an’ Start- Wir maimai’n, wir maimai’n!
So, ich habe hier mal was vorgelegt. Wer mag kann den Faden (zwinkerzwinker) ja aufnehmen.
Puffin Rock is great, and those 20 minutes are split into 3 episodes. Number Blocks is also nice an has a killer intro song.
Wie ein entfernter Bekannter von mir benutzte zu sagen: " Grüß deine Frau und meine Kinder!"
Wie wäre es mit “Fremdbestimmt zölibatär” also Frezö?
Hartz IV betritt das Gespräch