• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I come to this from a couple angles.

    I have type 2 and have been prescribed ozempic. My numbers are suddenly good and I can feel satiated. Now when people hear that you have type 2 they get an image. I’ve never been that, but type 2 found me anyhow. Weight-loss is nice, but not as important to me.

    My wife ended up on Wegovy. She didn’t eat much, walked regularly, went to regular swimming sessions… Did all those things you’re supposed to do. Not only did she not lose, she slowly gained. She did all that because it was the right thing to do.

    Wegovy hit the market and she qualified in part and mainly because nothing else worked. She was already not eating much. And the insurance paid because she’d been doing Noom, exercise, etc.

    So… She and I get the same active ingredient and both benefit. It makes you feel sick for a day or two a week. Certain foods become revolting.

    It does what we need. But the stereotypes that people have around these meds aren’t entirely accurate.

  • Obama broke Occupy. Biden and Clinton are vocal about not supporting the anti-genocide protests (except to say the protestor have specific rights).

    There are no political leaders sympathetic to protests here. Only those who could maybe be cowed if we really fought. If that was likely, the FBI would infiltrate and agitators would create reasons for enforcement.

    We’re talking Floyd levels of riot that would remind people of Jan 6th and leave people feeling justified. MLKs proymtests were NOT popular at the time… We’re looking for something and someone like that. Closest we’ve got is Shawn Fain.

    My riot, for now, is my vote and my tepid support of formerly-Dark Brandon. He’s done a lot. More than most. But Garland was a shit pick. And now we’re here with trials delayed all over the place because Garland dithered.