Marxist-Leninist. Tankie. Based in the imperial vassal state of Japan.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Thank god, the last thing we need is to self-cripple ourselves even more. Our economy is hot garbage, the yen has the worst relative buying power in…forever. When our economy still had the appearance of being healthy I think people were more willing to go along with what the US told us to do. Unless you work for some western company paying you in USD, most people feel the strain now.

    Chinese EVs do fairly well here (I drive a BYD now) and there seems to in general be less of a kneejerk anti-China sentiment when it comes to business and trade. We don’t explicitly ban most chinese tech. I think a lot of people do still prefer the big domestic brands, but you can go buy a huawei phone or byd car if you want to.

    I would love to see Japan adopt a much more pro-China stance. I don’t think it’s off the table from China’s POV either, assuming we can stop getting reactionary assholes in power who insist on antagonizing China at every opportunity. Which is admittedly maybe a big ask.

  • Just for the fun of it, let’s grant that Russia has some secret mind-scrambling ray that can pinpoint a single person in a crowded studio, undetected. That premise is ridiculous enough, but let’s just run with it.

    Where did they deploy it from? Was there a guy in the studio? Building nearby? Biden has security service protection that is going to be screening all those places, nobody would even be able to use a handheld mind ray.

    Or does Russia have mind-melting space lasers now? From which satellite are those being beamed down?

  • Even if they aren’t “show-stoppers”, it’s great to see more alternatives emerging. Shouldn’t the free market love more competition?

    People seem to be arguing that $375 is too expensive for a board, but are they just missing the fact that it’s a bundle with the CPU and cooler? The 3A6000 apparently is roughly equivalent to an intel 10100. (which is about $100 MSRP these days). DDR4 is fine for most people’s use cases, and it seems like it has enough PCI and nvme slots that anybody would really need. It also pulls less power than most intel chipsets, which could definitely be of interest to people.

    You aren’t building a high end video editing or gaming rig with this, but it seems like it’d be a perfectly respectable every day use machine. Which is exactly the type of chips I would expect them to make first.

    I would not be surprised if we see Lonsoon continue to make more and more competitive chips going forward too.

  • I may be missing a couple tags here, but he is a Polish Japanese-nationalist?

    Bro, the Japanese nationalists hate foreigners. They drive around in trucks playing that shit on loudspeakers. They aren’t going to invite you to their club and don’t care you agree with them.

    Also nobody really decribes their religion here as Shinto, except maybe shinto priests. It informs a lot culturally, but it would be really weird if you walked around describing yourself as a shinto practicioner.

  • I loved Zero Dawn, and Forbidden West was a lot better than I expected. They do a relatively good job, especially Forbidden West, of not overstaying their welcome of any given openworld activity. Probably my favourite of the open-world map games. There is a touch of Monster Hunter in there too, though not quite as “pure” as that experience.

    I could see them not sticking the landing in the third game, as so often seems to be the case, but I choose to remain optimistic.

  • Blizzard are kind of my guilty pleasure games. I still play SC2 sometimes, and it’s the only “esport” I enjoy watching. D4 had some major growing pains (that seems to be a trait for the franchise) but has settled into…actually a really good game now. WoW I have played off/on for 20 years now, it is kind of comfort place for me.

    Overwatch is the one game they made that did nothing for me, I think I am just not a shooter person. It also seems to be where all their trainwrecks have focused in recent memory. I also will always be bitter about what they did to my boy Heroes of the Storm.

    I used to really like the Ubisoft formula, but I think there are other games that do the open-world-map-icon games better (like Horizon). The actual Ubisoft games just seem very stale at this point.

  • It was borrowed from the finance industry, but it’s really just speaking to the budget. AAA usually means it comes from one of the big publishers who have the means to fund something like that, but not always. You do sometimes get AAA indy games, Baldur’s Gate 3 would be in that category but not a lot of indy developers can float that kind of budget.

    I feel like these days a lot of people use it to mean “game from big publisher” in opposition to indy, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes you even get lower budget “indy-seeming” games from big publishers, like Dave the Diver.