Relying on emergency services only wastes soooooo much money. Waiting until problems are acute and they HAVE to be treated under EMTALA means doing way more expensive treatments and clogs up emergency services. Not to mention that not vaccinating or treating bacterial infections results in a bunch of cooties getting spread around the community. And when they’re getting those emergency services they can’t pay for them so the cost has to get absorbed into the bills of the patients who can pay either directly or through insurance.
“I don’t wanna pay for other people’s Healthcare!”
You already are, just in the least efficient and most expensive way possible.
Well the downside to the “you break [the virginity] you buy it” mindset (aside from the literal objectification) is that having to formally marry the child also means the child is formally married to (and stuck with) the pedo. At least the informal version is probably less legally complicated to flee from.