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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Biden and Dem leadership were saying it up to a few months ago, so it shouldn’t be hard to admit.

    It was longer than a few months ago and they clearly said why they stopped even considering packing the Supreme Court.

    Not only did they not have a congress to pass it, because they’ve never held anywhere close to enough of a super majority to get past fillibuster. But it’s also effectively handing a loaded gun to a second Trump presidency or any Republican presidency to do the same.

  • I’m hardly responsible if the majority of or the leadership of The Party don’t align with my views. It is they who have failed us, not the other way around.

    Like I said, you’re not responsible for their current policies, that would be the Democratic voter base of 30 years ago, but you’re responsible for not trying to vote them out and writing off the entire fucking party as the same.

    Have fun feeling politically nihilistic and irrelevant though, it sure worked for the CPUSA, the SPA, the SWP and every other third partyist of the past 100 years.

  • absolutely no say in the matter

    You can keep shoving your head in the sand or research and confirm what I’ve been saying is the truth, that candidates are nominated by candidate choice, signatures, and then a primary vote. Up to you.

    Your continued support of the familiar means they’ll never change.

    Lmfao, yeah? Can I ask how long you’ve been involved in politics? Or how much you know about American domestic political history?

    The Democratic Party and Klu Klux Klan Venn Diagram a century ago would’ve been essentially a circle, with some weird progressives like Roosevelt on the sidelines. The past century of American political conflict has been one of the Democrats slowly solidifying around socially left issues and the Republicans doing the opposite, solidifying around the right. Both Parties found an economically left wing New Deal consensus after the squabbling of great depression recovery, which lasted basically until Reagan and the creation of a Neoliberal consensus.

    That’s all to say that the Parties have changed massively over the past 100 years, the Democrats completely switched their position on social and economic issues.

    I have been pushing for my part of the Democratic party to be more economically and socially liberal for a decade now, and even in that short time I’ve noticed immense changes in what the party is willing to accept. A decade ago, rent control advocacy would’ve had city level Democratic officials criticizing me, and now Biden, a moderate, is advocating for it in debates and in speeches.

    The Overton window of the Democratic Party has never been stagnant. It has trended solidly left on almost everything for a century, and you’d have to be ignorant or bad faith to not recognize that.

  • regardless of who puts forth the candidate

    That’s the thing, though, no one “puts forth” a candidate except the candidate themselves, parties will sometimes reach out to activists or local party officials for local or state office nominations, but Federal office candidates are almost always decided by candidates themselves getting signatures and putting their name forward.

    You’re no more responsible for the failures of the party than party establishment officials at the DNC, and likely quite less responsible, but you are responsible for writing off the party as a whole, and thereby abandoning the about 50% of the party that wants to take it in a progressive/anti-capitalist direction.

  • 7/10 Nazis killed in WWII were at the hands of the Soviets

    And 10/10 of the Polish officers and civilians killed at Katyn were at the hands of the Soviets too. There’s no point in defending a regime that did horrific things, just because they happened to kill a lot of people who also did horrific things.

    There’s also no point in arguing that “one nation won the war” against anyone in World War 2, the war would’ve been significantly worse and more brutal had almost any of the allied nations not participated.

    Without the US lend lease and factories, the Soviets wouldn’t have had a chance, and it would’ve been a much much more brutal battle even if they succeeded. Not to mention the massive amount of work the U.S. put into fighting Japan in the Pacific almost alone.

    Without the Soviets the other allies would have had no continental power to distract the Germans, and North Africa would likely have fallen along with the UK.

    Without the UK, the Axis would’ve had a much much easier time navigating waterways and trading with the world, not always having the possibility of being harassed from one of the UK’s colonial ports or airports. Not to mention the constant threat of invasion from the sea and the opening of a second front that the UK provided.

    There’s others I won’t even mention because it would take too long like the invaluable support of India and China without which Japan would’ve dominated Asia, and the people of Africa and South America who also contributed.

    There’s literally no way a non-propagandizing historian could put the victory solely on any of the Allied nations, each and every one was completely indispensable