• 98 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • IDK why this is downvoted, there are a couple interesting perspectives like this one IMO.

    Maybe — just maybe — historian Heather Cox Richardson is correct when she writes in her newsletter that “We appear to be in a moment when the reality-based community is challenging the ability of the MAGA Republicans to create their own reality.”

    I think that’s true, Harris has shown democrats a great balance on how to handle Trumps lies. Sometimes even just dismissing it as crazy.

    But no matter what opinion polls show, it’s important that as many Americans as possible vote, it’s the only way a democracy can work.
    Vote for the democracy!! It’s a right you don’t want to lose.

  • Absolutely, back in the days before the 80’s “only in America” was often used for something Big and Impressive. Now it’s used for something stupid or double standards.

    American society used to be considered the pinnacle of the world, but it changed in the 80’s, when they began to lower the quality of their society with extreme republican policies:
    They failed to acknowledge pollution of the atmosphere is a problem and did absolutely nothing about it despite their wealth. While Europe began to work seriously on ressource and climate sustainability already in the 70’s. Today USA has twice the pollution per capita compared to most European countries.
    Their healthcare and life expectancy is worse than any EU country.
    They have completely failed to get gun violence under control or even try for 5 decades now.
    They have extreme poverty despite being among the richest countries in the world.
    Their democracy is a flawed first past the post model and only barely a democracy, because it’s unable to reasonably represent diverse interests of the population.
    Extreme religiousness is widespread and permeates politics as seen with insane abortion restrictions that destroy lives and families.
    Corruption is widespread and obvious and even out in the open. Even the supreme court is both corrupt and politicized.

    Not an ideal to follow, and it’s very sad to see how they have failed to progress or even maintain the quality of the society they had in the 70’s.