You don’t need to refrigerate apples and oranges? Just leave them in the counter for easy snacking.
You don’t need to refrigerate apples and oranges? Just leave them in the counter for easy snacking.
This isn’t exactly what you asked, but I highly recommend emulation. I have had ePSXe downloaded on every phone I’ve had for the past ten years to play PS1 games. There are so many good titles, all of them free, playable offline. You might like Intelligent Qube Mr. Driller Devil Dice for puzzles. I love playing final fantasy, legend of dragoon, suikoden, Spyro, crash bandicoot. I don’t care about graphics, but I am a sucker for playing through a story.
It is planned pooling as other people have mentioned. This is the yarn that I used. It’s been about a year making this blanket. It’s not as complicated as you describe, but the hardest part is maintaining just the right amount of tension. In total, I probably undid the whole blanket once or twice before I finished it, trying to get the tension perfect.
See, I wanted to major in math over engineering because engineering has less math. My husband is an engineer and he does very little math on a daily basis. The software does all the calculations when he runs simulations.
I named my cat Luphina. I thought it was so pretty. The name that stuck was Luphy. My husband calls her Monkey D Luffy.
We call her Luphy Loaf too.
If you are a giving person, you have to put a limit on how much you can give. Takers have no limit.
I have to remember to look out for myself because even though I’m trying to look out for a lot of people I care about, no one is looking out for me.
Keep advocating for yourself. Don’t let anyone convince you that you have to take whatever hormones or have whatever surgery. My transition worked out way better when I found a doctor willing to listen to my troubles and recommended treatment that aligned with my goals. I think surgery saved my life. I had 3 suicide attempts before it and 0 since. The difference in the quality of life is like night and day.
It’s seriously so stupid. I wish people by default didn’t have a gender and got to pick instead of being assigned one at birth. My puberty landed me in the hospital. My sex organs are just completely fucked. I’d been in pain regularly for 13 years, complaining to so many doctors that just didn’t take me seriously. I wasn’t even out as nonbinary the whole time, only the past three years. I got bottom surgery this summer and I don’t take hormones anymore. I used to diy hormones because it’s just too god damn hard to get the prescribed. I asked my GP for a referral to the most liberal doctor that would give me that surgery, but there was a lot of failure before that.
Frieza is totally real. Haven’t you watched DBZ?
I have some things to help me take care of my pets. I have an automatic litterbox that scoops itself and gives me a notification to empty it. I have an automatic feeder that feeds my cats three times a day so I don’t forget. I have a water fountain that I refill and clean weekly. I used to be very forgetful or struggle to make my mind do the tasks to take care of my pets, and I felt really bad about it. Now, most of the time I spend taking care of my cats is brushing them, petting them, and just hanging out with them. These items weren’t cheap, but to me, they’re worth every penny.
Remote learning has had a devastating effect on education. Gen Z’s time in college and high school was royally fucked by the pandemic. It’s no wonder why they would be less interested in remote work, not because they’re “old souls.”
These are beautiful and way more than just mildly interesting.
Sucking dick
This is beautiful, and hilarious. It makes me want to do silly cross-stitch.
Homosexual is attraction to the same gender; heterosexual is attraction to a different gender. The bi in bisexual is both of these, not attraction to two genders. Think of the bi flag, pink, purple, and blue: what do you think the colors represent? Nonbinary people have always been included in bisexual if you take some time to think about.
Read the bisexual manifesto. Bi has always included nonbinary people. If you are attracted to all genders, both bisexual and pansexual are valid labels you can choose.
Yes it does. Read the bisexual manifesto.
I say this as a bi person, not a straight
(o_o) (0_0) (O_O)
I think zero or lowercase o is more “seriously?” and capital O is more “amazed.”