• 4 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2024


  • I don’t see how this can lead to anything good.

    The democrats have given ground on immigration every damn election. What it’s ‘won’ is base level of support to put brown people in concentration camps across the political spectrum. The whole “I love immigrants, but if they come here illegally they deserve to be punished” argument can’t stand up to the truth that the inhuman conditions in these camps are far in excess of justice.

    On paper I understand that the democratic party can’t guarantee that every member holds the same view on trans rights. In practice we already have evidence that yes, the slope is indeed quite slippery.

  • I understand what you’re saying, but his experiment allowed the embryos to come to term and be born as human babies. Scientists have worked with human embryos before and avoided similar outcry by not allowing them to develop further (scientific outcry, not religious). Calling his work an experiment on human embryos ignores the fact that he always intended for his work to impact the real lives of real humans who would be born.

  • I always felt like murderous clones are a bit different from evil twins.

    From a sci-fi perspective, I’ve noticed that murderous clone stories tend to explore the following themes:

    • Whose life is more valid? Does an original have any more right to life than the clone? What aspects of life can never be split between two people with equal claim?
    • Would the murder ever matter, in the grand scheme of things? As far as society can tell, the world is exactly the same before you are cloned and after one of you kills the other.
    • Could the survivor ever be brought to justice? If the clone tried to kill you because they knew you would try to kill them, does that make it self defence or premeditated murder? Would any punishment would be a net loss for society, when compared before the clone appeared?
    • Could this “self destructive” impulse hide deeply inside even the nicest person? How much does a person love themselves? Can self-love even apply when the “self” is also external?

  • There are definitely UI inconsistencies across devices, especially smart TVs. Jellyfin on Firestick looks different from Jellyfin on Roku which looks different from Jellyfin on WebOS. Some devices deliver Jellyfin through a thin browser client, and in those cases you get access to a unified design. Outside of that it’s a crapshoot as what the app will let you do. Of course, it’s a volunteer project (and all my thanks to any maniac willing to develop TV apps), so I don’t expect that everything can be easily and neatly unified.

    I can’t deny that it’s sometimes hard to support my users because of this. Someone complains that they’re getting movies dubbed in an unwanted language: I can’t guarantee that the button to select audio track will look the same on their end when I talk them through it.