

  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’m a lot like that too. An article about a person I never knew dying can leave my heart aching days, weeks or even years later. I see a stranger crying and I start to cry too. And yet other things can leave me feeling nothing. My mum is in severe pain from terminal cancer and there are moments when it gets to me, but other times I feel almost nothing and I can’t tell if it’s because I’m just a heartless cow or I’m doing a really good job blocking it out (schizoid skills ftw).

  • I have three yahoo email accounts I still use, the oldest from about 1997 and surprisingly, the spam folder on that one rarely gets anything. (The other two are leftovers from when you had to get a yahoo account to make a geocities site). I really like the disposable addresses. Luckily I signed up back when you could have 10 on one of them. Then they ditched it for free users, but brought it back with the three limit. But I got to keep my 10.

    Excite was my jam though. I was sad when I lost my excite accounts.