We didn’t. We chose renewables over nuclear.
We didn’t. We chose renewables over nuclear.
Was hat die FDP gemacht?
Die Agenda der FDP bestand von Anfang an darin, zu verhindern, dass “zu viel” grüne und linke Politik gemacht wird. Zum blockieren benötigt man keine Mehrheit, zum gestalten schon. Mit Kenntnissen in Grundrechenarten sollte einem das klar werden.
Damals haben die einen beispiellosen Sozialabbau mitgetragen. Unter Anderem haben die damals Hartz 4 eingeführt und einen Niedriglohnsektor etabliert.
Jup. War scheiße. Gekauft haben sie sich dafür aber unter anderem den Atomausstieg, und das war nunmal ihr zentrales Thema zu der Zeit.
Das ist 20 Jahre her, heute sitzen da überwiegend andere Menschen, und die haben in just dieser Legislatur versucht, in dem Punkt Wiedergutmachung zu leisten, was an der FDP und einer Mehrheit von CDU-Ländern im Bundesrat gescheitert ist.
Der Hersteller, da billiges Füllmaterial für die Verpackung.
Ja, genau. Der eine von 3 Koalitionspartnern, der ohne die anderen zwei nunmal nicht nach Gutdünken durchregieren kann, hat dich natürlich verarscht. Nicht der Kleinste, der nur stumpf blockiert hat. Sondern einer, der versuchen musste jedenfalls ein paar gute Dinge durchzubringen, und sich das bei dem Kleinen teuer erkauft hat.
Red’ dir das nur weiter ein. Ist natürlich einfacher, als sich einzugestehen, dass die Welt schmutzig und anstrengend ist.
as there was no current accepted agreement in climate science on the required amount.
100%. The consensus on the required amount to be cut is 100%.
It’s not useless. It will enable MS to build the walled garden they want, where you are forced to use the software they permit you to and nothing else.
Wow. The same “we’ll easily end this war” bullshit that Trump is spewing. That didn’t take long.
When this moron takes over (and he will), it’s gonna get real bad.
Prosperity comes from inherited wealth.
People who work from a co-working space usually are in no place to lecture others about prosperity.
If you brag about how late you work in the evening, at least tell us when you start in the morning.
We are the Borg.
Scholz befördert einen Bänker
Das genügt doch. Auch ohne Cum-Ex ist regulatory capture schlimm genug.
For getting caught. Not for being Nazi terrorists.
So wie die FDP meinst du?
Ich sehe keinen Unterschied.
I’m itching for the co-op update to do a second play through with my gf.
Tried it on the Deck in TV mode, but the frame rates dropped so much during boss fights / class strikes I went back to finishing it on PC. I guess on the small screen I could have dropped the settings further, but on TV that was really hard on the eyes. Which is sad, as I mainly got the deck as a “switch but for pc games”. Guess it’ll mostly only work for pixel art games etc. for me.
That doesn’t mean all fact checks are bullshit, just that fact checkers are people with jobs and opinions too.
Wing Commander 1-4, space epics of my childhood.
Gee, it’s almost as if their religion’s name patron had preached to love and forgive each other and aid the poor and downtrodden. Crazy thought.
Say what you want about al Qaeda, but at least they know they’re evil
I’m pretty sure they think they’re the good guys.
Everybody is the hero in their own movie.
It’s not about who gets the sweeter deal. It’s not a transaction. Members don’t buy services from the EU with their contributions. If France gets more payouts, it’s because France has more of whatever triggers those payouts. It’s not the GDI though, so “same GDI, different net payments” is a flawed argument.
If we’re both in a tennis club and pay the same member’s fees, but I go to play on Thursday, when there’s less people, more space and a free drink at the bar for members, but you go on Saturday, when people are fighting for free courts and you can’t find a seat at the bar, I get the better deal. That doesn’t mean we’re not treated fairly, we’re just using different parts of what’s available.
Now, if you had to pay higher fees in the first place because I said “I"ll only join if I get a discount”, that would indeed be unfair.
We tried and it did and does work. Renewables are going up, fossils are going down.. We are burning less coal than ever. Any claims to the point of “replaced nuclear with coal” are disinformation and lies.
We are exporting energy to other countries.
Nuclear is the most expensive form of power,. it’s unsafe and inflexible. It doesn’t make sense, it never did, and all those other kids jumping off the bridge don’t change that.