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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • I’m generally pretty generous when it comes to realizing I’m hearing one side of the story and that it’s always much more complicated.

    But, dear God man, if what he says is even remotely true and she was hovering over him while he was sleeping, and then when he awoke she asked if he would murder someone for her, and then what he plans to do with their cat after the murder, that’s not just being “genuinely afraid” and acting irrationally when in the middle of being very afraid.

    She might be suffering from some anxiety that she needs to address, but let’s not play down how disturbing this is…especially because he called it “the usual.”

  • Well it is.

    Even in the outside chance that the third party wins, we still immediately revert to a two party system. It solves nothing as the nature of our voting system is to turn into a two-party system. It’s a vanity vote, that’s it.

    This pattern cannot continue.

    And voting third party in the presidential election does not stop it from continuing. At best it just switches what “two parties” we are voting for. If you want to stop this from continuing, you work locally to get how we get local candidates elected (like STAR or ranked) and then you work up from there. But you don’t want to. You want to just do the simple thing of casting a vote and believing you’ve “done your part” which is why it’s a vanity vote.

    The presidential vote is a strategic one that you use understanding the rules of the game you are actually playing, not the one you (and I) wish you were playing.

  • So you ignore the facts you don’t like, and take the ones you do. And I’m projecting…

    How can I ignore that which you did not provide? All you’ve done throughout this is give your opinion about what happened, no actual facts. I would be more than happy to address any fact you have, because having had this discussion so many times already, I’m pretty confident I’m on the right side of it, and if not, I would like to learn how so and change my position. As I already have.

    Why the fuck do you think Wasserman Schultz stepped down?

    You made a claim as to why, so why not back it up?

    hat is your explanation if it’s not the scandal involving her bias as chair exposed in the emails?

    You’re claim was that she tried to rig the convention against Sanders, and you’re already backtracking it. Amazing.

    What possible benefit to you gain from this denial of established reality?

    lol You really have no idea how out-classed you are in this. I clearly challenged you to actually provide some facts, and all you are doing is attacking me instead.

    Don’t worry, I’ve had this same type of discussion with hundreds of Trump/Sander reality-deniers before, and I know no way in hell you can admit to yourself at this point that you’ve been fooled for so long. But It’s sill funny watching you squirm.

    Again, let me be clear: provide your sources for your empty ass claims that I’ve already called out. Anything short of that is an admission that you realize the facts are not on your side.

  • Ohh, a political “scientist” said it, must be a fact.

    No, a political scientist didn’t “say” it, they did a study with an attempt to objectively determine what actually happened, and the evidence led to a certain conclusion. You just don’t like that the evidence contradicts how you feel so you’re sarcastically trying to hand-wave it away. This isn’t to say I know for a fact that what they say is the truth, but their evidence-based position is 1000x more reliable than your feelings.

    I will now pretend that Wasserman Schultz didn’t actively admit to trying to rig the convention against Sanders and that the court literally said in plain english that’s what was happening.

    Neither of these statements is true.

    The way you people try to rewrite history is insane.

    Projection. Notice how I’ve been providing facts and links, all you’ve done is provide how you feel about it. You are just like the Trump supporters that think they know the 2020 election was rigged against Trump. It turns out cultists are not all that different from other cultists.

  • And some how when they grow up all you can do is wish you had your adorable scrunchietato back

    Speak for yourself, fam. Parenting has only gotten better as they age for me. Every year has been better than the last. Granted, they are 8 and 11 so things might change at some point soon. Lol

    I miss very little about them being babies. It was a miserable time, a study even showed that the year after the birth of a first child is worse for happiness than the death of your spouse.