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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Is it? It’s not like the bug would ever know, he’d just think he’s metamorphasizing and then it’d all fade to… Well whatever death’s version of black is. It’s a pretty nice end given that he’s going willingly… I guess this hinges on my assumption that most people don’t die of old age nor do they tend to die peacefully…

    Then again, maybe I just have some death anxiety to work out :)

  • You know what’s hyper fucked?

    Back when I was a baby republican (read: a parentally brainwashed child) and just learning about gerrymandering in school, my reaction was basically “well that’s shitty, but at least it’s the people I like doing it”.

    I’m pretty sure that’s very common thinking amongst hardened republicans. I don’t even know how you convince someone to not be like that either, I just changed when I was out from under my parents boot and finally allowed to learn about the political effects of racism.

    Tldr; common think pattern leads me to believe Texas is fucked until reepublicans lose their power there.

  • What an interesting problem!

    Are you able to use other styles of casing? Like underscore casing might help because you can see the spaces so it’s strike_through_offset Whitespace_width Etc Or maybe, if you have to stick with camel, it’s every syllable (if you work on a team, I would not recommend this, but for personal stuff it should be fine)

    I don’t think it’s a case of get good so much as it is a case of you parsing things differently depending on brain state, and you not having a tool to help you over come it/return to the previous brain state that could tell you which letter to capitalize.

    I think your best bet might be to come up with hard arbitrary rules and practice those until it sticks. It’s all vibes until experience hardens it into an opinion, basically

    My initial kneejerk reaction though was “you’re thinking too hard about it, just let it flow” but idk if that’s helpful in the slightest lol certainly wouldn’t help if there’s a mental bump at play, so I think simplifying the rules into something regular is probably the best place to start

  • Lol I was having such an angry time I failed to make my point in any way, sorry about that. I also assumed you had a wider knowledge of this sort of music which is also my bad.

    I think your experience is more a sign of just how much of a signal boost Nirvana/Kobain still get just because people overhype them still (fully fair if people want to pounce on me for saying they’re a bit overrated, I wasn’t music aged at the time they were popular and I was when Winehouse was producing music)

    Amy Winehouse pulled hype to British Soul, which was a rather astonishing thing to watch happen.

    Nirvana defined/popularized a newer genre.

    Both should be remembered and respected, but only one really is… And it isn’t Winehouse.

  • I started with venting but that’s not what deserves attention here imo. I hope the sex workers get the support and resources they need. If anyone else is super heated about this the way I am, here's a link from the article that you can give a donation to if you want to

    <rage vent> this is why Christians disgust me and why I distinguish between Christians (these sorts of shitty people) and christians, which i define as people who actually act in ways that would make Jesus proud. These capital C mother fuckers are worse than Satan and proud of it. I’d say all sorts of nasty cursed things at them, but then I’d be using Christian vocabulary, and I would rip out my own tongue before I stoop that fucking low.</rage vent>

    Tldr; there is no hate as vile nor evil as Christian love.

    The things they do in Jesus’ name should bring them shame, but their brains are fucking broken at this point.

    I could go on forever about this, so I’ll stop now.

  • I get you, it’s just that I feel like this conversation might end up swirling into a “what is normal? Who gets to define what normal is and what are their motivations for defining those parameters as normal?” sort of deal.

    With the current world the way it is at hand though, yeah, kids do need to be forced to focus for long periods of time so they can operate when they get into the world on their own.

    In an ideal world, whatever shape that takes, I’m not so sure that would be necessary, but we don’t get to work with ideals, so your stance seems the most realistic.

  • Ahhh this is a case of I misread one of your posts it seems.

    Yeah your stance seems reasonable enough to me with that clarification.

    I don’t really know about the long focus sessions being necessary for proper brain development (social conditioning seems to be more the point of that) but I’m not an expert here, so I am not going to trust my gut on this one. (In the effort of reigning in my pedantism, I’m not going to ask the definition of proper development either lol)

    In any case, ty for the conversation!

  • Ah ok, that’s true, that is their responsibility to educate the students. I’d also say it’s their responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations to in demand constituent methods of communication.

    So how is allowing a kid checking a phone between classes and having it put away in a locker (so not on their person) during class the school abdicating it’s educational responsibility?

    (This specific case is my own “reasonable accommodation” theory, so I’m really curious about genuine counterpoints to this that aren’t just devil’s advocate, and you really seem to believe this, so thank you for your input so far, it is appreciated)