Somewhere between “I want to play sci-fi video games all day,” “I want to invent everything ever,” and “I want to go on a 6-month backpacking trip in the wilderness.”

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I’m a tinkerer as well, but I’m at a point in my life where I need to prioritize my tinkering haha. Like buying stir-fry takeout (Windows/MacOS), cooking it by buying a pre-packaged bag (packaged mainstream Linux distro), or starting from scratch, experimenting with literally everything from chopping technique to cooking temp for each ingredient, until you realize you’re missing an ingredient you need, then you have to go back to the store (Arch lol).

  • I do something similar (though less secure) for general purpose passwords; I have a couple of common “base” passwords that are decently secure that I commit to memory. Then for each website/service, I pick a pattern based on the name/url (maybe something like the first two and last three characters of the url), and append them to one of my “base” passwords, so each site gets a unique password, but I only have to remember a couple of them + the pattern

  • I was just typing a response on the Igus cost haha. The size I need are only $2.50/per, still pricey, but more reasonable. I’d be more inclined to try them out if it didn’t take 30-60 days to get an order; I’d like to do a test fitting before I commit to $250 of parts, and 60-120 days is too long to wait for the full batch.

    I may be able to do them in resin. My work has a whole bunch of resin printers, but this would be a lot of parts to do on machines that are supposed to be doing actual production work haha. That and the resin we use is accuracy focused, not particularly strong, they’d wear out fairly quickly.

    The maker’s space recently acquired some resin printers, so might be worth it to wait until they get those operational.

    Thanks for the insight!

  • I have been experimenting with the 3D printing, just not getting great results. Did a few test pieces over the weekend at 0.1 mm layers, the layer lines were still killing any kind of smooth motion I’d hoped for. Which is what got me on the fill/sand path, which is my next experiment. I’m pretty confident that with enough process experimentation, I’ll be able to get the action I’m looking for with fill->sand->possible resin coat->dry lube. Just gonna be a lot of work to get it right haha. Wish I still had access to an SLA printer; I printed out some kick-ass ball joints on a Formlab printer years ago.

    The print-in-place joints, in my experience, work just great, until you try to move them while they’re loaded; ≈ 50 N*m is a lot to ask of a non-finished plastic joint lol, and that’s probably around what I’ll be working with.

    print a tapered shaft that starts at -0.020in below your bearings internal diameter, and ends at +0.010in. Do the same for the external race but inverse

    Could you elaborate on that? Not sure I follow.

    Thanks for the help!

  • Humans are a blight upon the natural world they inhabit

    If you’re so insistent on humans living in an environment counter to their own evolutionary instincts in favor of squeezing every drop of sustainability possible out of the maximum number of human lives (literally forcing humans to live in artificially dense population centers), why are you on the internet? You’re wasting electricity that was either derived from fossil fuels or generated using renewable technologies reliant on rare minerals obtained through strip mining. Not to mention the plastics and metals that went into making the computer/phone you’re using.

    Still wearing clothes? Think of the water being wasted on manufacturing that! What about the resources devoted to growing the plant fibers, raising the livestock, or weaving the plastic fibers? The land that was destroyed and all the native life that was culled to create the farmlands? We should all be forcibly relocated to temperate regions and forced to live in dense nudist colonies.

    Do you exercise? You know how many calories and how much oxygen you waste by doing that? Human physical exertion should be limited to only the bare minimum required to sustain the minimally healthy body weight. You know how much food we’d save if we banned all sports?

    Don’t get me started on the arts. Brain power costs calories too! What a waste. All human creative resources should be pooled together to create the most efficient base of entertainment media possible that enables a livable experience. No more unique languages, everyone will be forced to learn Chinese Mandarin or Spanish, so we can eliminate waste on similar media across languages.

    Obviously MASSIVE /S

    Now I don’t want you to misunderstand, I’m very pro-renewables, rather pro-regulation, and even a bit pro-social-engineering. But literally seizing property and assigning concentrated living quarters to people who’ve owned their homes for generations is some seriously dystopian shit.

  • I feel like, at their core, most religions boil down to two things, for most people:

    • Giving you purpose/security/scapegoats (“I’m living a good life so I can go to heaven,” “the Lord has a plan/is watching over me,” “Satan/sinners/demons tempted me”)
    • Dissuading you from inquisitive, critical thought (out of self-preservation, I’d imagine)

    Personally, I prefer to define my own purpose, live a more “dynamic” lifestyle than is traditional, think critically, and question authority. Doesn’t make me “better” than religious folks, in fact they’re probably overall happier than I am. But I can’t imagine living that way, regardless of whether or not I believe in a magical sky Santa who can’t decide whether he loves us unconditionally or whether or not he’s actually omnipotent.

  • Sooo…100% of future transportation should be done by train or bus? Gonna build an express line out to grannie’s house in the woods of rural upstate LargePlace? Maybe with a few local stops at some hiking trailheads? Can’t forget to add a direct line from there to the closest grocery store two towns away, or maybe granny can just hop on the train to CenterTown and take the connecting bus over to Nowhere’sVille, and grab another train from there. God forbid she wants to visit Aunt Sue in Isolated Harbour. Or maybe we should just seize both their properties and relocate them to Dense Village, which was specifically designed to be public-transit friendly.

    Yeah trains are awesome, and we should utilize them more (especially in the US). But public transit is not the solution to all long-distance travel. So why flat-out reject a theoretical improvement, on the basis that it’s not a literally perfect solution?