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  • 62 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • So your suggestion is that in order to keep the business afloat, Uber should be allowed to pay their workers less than minimum wage?

    Ideally, imo, I would advocate for the abolishment of minimum wage in its entirety (this is, in practice, of course, heavily dependent on many other conflicting factors). I believe that the damages caused by a minimum wage outweigh its benefits.

    other places have done this with no increase in cost

    Do you have any sources for this? It is, of course, important to note that minimum wage increases don’t necessitate that businesses raise their prices, but it puts an upward pressure on them, as, if they don’t, their profits will decrease, and, generally, a business seeks to increase their profits, and they will do so so long as people are willing to pay. Increasing the supply of money available in the market through a minimum wage will induce demand-pull inflation — people have more money so they are more able to buy things, which puts an upward pressure on prices. In addition to that, the increased overhead for employers would induce cost-push inflation.

    EDIT (2024-06-23T06:20Z): I was reading this Investopedia page, and the interaction between raising the minimum wage and inflation is more complex than I was initially aware. A specific quote of interest is the following:

    in 2016, researchers from the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research examined the effect of prices on minimum wage increases in various states in the U.S. from 1978 through 2015. They found that “wage-price elasticities are notably lower than reported in previous work: we find prices grow by 0.36 percent for every 10 percent increase in the minimum wage.”

    These empirical results are quite interesting. I will have to look into this much more. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

    I do wonder, though, if the interactions that the article cites are dependent on the minimum wage already being present — I’d be curious to know what the outcome would be if one started without a minimum wage and implemented one.

    Allowing Uber to underpay their workers

    Hm, I take issue with this specific language. It’s not necessarily underpayment — it’s payment that the market has deemed appropriate for the employment given the current supply of it and demand for it. Underpaying implies an official baseline which would only apply in a market with a minimum wage.

    Allowing Uber to underpay their workers means we have to subsidize the company by providing welfare for workers who don’t earn enough.

    Things start to get complicated when one starts introducing other factors like welfare (ie social security income). If there is welfare, depending on how its structured exactly, a minimum wage typically must accompany it, as far as I currently understand things. There are indeed scenarios where welfare could end up subsidizing a company, eg if there is welfare imposed to meet a living wage, but I’m not confident in my knowledge of the specifics.