

❤️ Overall Good Boy ❤️

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • I feel like my job can be done half remotely so that’s preferred. But my setup isn’t necessarily the problem. It’s not just the keyboard or chairs. It’s like nearly everything that is standard in offices, including the culture. Just a little concerned because I don’t know how anyone gets used to this or does this. It’s like everyone has accepted being in very depressing office spaces for most of their daylight hours and is fine with it. Again I’m not expected to have a joyous time at work but the spaces I’ve been in are just outright depressing and it feels like the norm.

  • Not sure how this came across in the post but I’m not talking about being lazy. I’ve actually enjoyed many parts of my job even with the mundane meetings and documentation. I don’t enjoy the massive time wasting involved in most offices.

    I prefer to be busy. What I don’t enjoy is the discomfort, poor lighting, bad layout, etc. Its like modern managers think that handing out standing desks like candy is going to make offices preferable to literally anything else.

    And yes, I can manage some of this by bringing my own keyboard and getting a better chair. But realistically, every office culture I’ve encountered so far just sucks the soul out of me. A few months in and I’ll just be watching the time begging for lunch to come. I’ll go home and have two hours of daylight left to myself.

    It seems like WFH is the option. I just don’t get how anyone does this without being absolutely miserable.

  • It’s interesting because I don’t mind some of those things. My commutes haven’t been bad, they’re 30 minutes out of my day and I enjoy the drive time. The small talk is minimal. And with noise I just put in earbuds.

    My problem is more the uncomfy chair and desk setup, the lighting, the AC temp, just the general environment is not a productive one for me. Those things inhibit my work. Even just using the bathroom and having to tuck my shirt back in so I can walk back to my desk annoys me.

  • Well most of the comments here don’t have an insight into this. The reason they don’t re-release video games or old movies is because they don’t want you enjoying old things. It’s capitalism, but it’s not arbitrary like the scarcity. Because it’s not just video games, no company wants to re-release anything. Not a tractor, not a movie, not a dishwasher, nothing.

    Why? Because then you don’t buy the new thing with higher margins. Then you don’t watch the new movie and they can’t sell the new ads with the new character designs promoting it. Or you don’t get locked in to their new cartridge system. Or subscription plan. Whatever. The song is different, the story is the same, new stuff make line go up faster. With tons of waste involved as well.

  • To be honest I think the phones are very equal which is actually why I want the opinions to color my decision because I’m finding it hard to decide. I bought the phone, but I’m not set on switching to it so I wanted to hear what people have to say before I get it.

    Sometimes experiences are useful and I’ve heard experiences from people who use their phone very similar to me be happy with the switch. I’ll have to report back.

    But yeah I’m conscious of the frugal part. I even calculated out how much my android phone has cost me in depreciation and decided that the best way to think about it was in terms of that.

    For example; my Note 10 plus cost about $1000 new and I’ve had it about 4 years, now it’s worth $250. So my cost is roughly $200 to own the phone over that time. However, I can (and did) buy an iPhone 12 pro max for $600 and I expect it to follow a similar depreciation at $150 per year-ish.

    So when people say that apple phones are more expensive, they’re right, but there’s an upfront investment. After that, owning a used iPhone is similar to owning a used android phone. Just a thought.

  • You’re not wrong about all of this. I wasn’t trying to tribalize or start a fight (said so in my post even) because I know that people do that. However, my view has changed from when I last owned an iphone.

    When I last owned an iphone, the fights made sense. I could see why people fought over platforms because they were very different and comparing and contrasting them at the time was pretty difficult to do directly. Like was it better to have back and forward button bars? Or were curved phone edges a good idea?

    But nowadays my opinion is diffent. Phones do a lot of the same things. They’re all very mature platforms for the most part. So when I ask my question I’m asking why, for most general use cases, anyone would want an android. And the response I’m getting back for the most part is: you don’t.

    This is coming from someone who desperately wants the competition. I ditched iphone about a decade ago when the S7 edge was a thing. I left behind all of the features iphones have for connecting with people for a platform that I believed had better tech, was more affordable, and had similar software support.

    Nowadays I’m looking at the platforms and most of my reasons no longer make sense. Android phones are expensive. They aren’t at apples level, but some of them are and none of them hold value. So why not wait two years and get a brand new android? Because the software updates aren’t going to keep up. So for a higher initial investment, I can get a phone that will have decent resale value when I’m ready to upgrade and still get software updates.

    All of this is to say that my ability to connect with friends over FaceTime and imessage aren’t worth sticking it out on android to me. I don’t see a lot of hope for the platform in the directions I want. I haven’t seen the improvements I was hoping for. And so I’m jumping ship. Maybe I’ll be back, maybe I’ll hate iphone, we shall see!

  • I appreciate the detailed response, it’s good info. I’ll just respond to the curiousity part. I mean that their phones and tech seem to be maturing and aren’t slowing down. I saw their last WWDC and I know most of it is marketing but even then, it seems like all of their interface gets updates yearly. I can’t say the same for Android phones as I never see updates aside from major ones. And when they happen, I have no idea what’s in them.

    Like the messaging app on iPhone is light years ahead of anything available on Android. FaceTime continues to be a standard for calling and alternatives exist but Google has changed the service they use like twice now since I’ve been on Android I think. Not to mention that Google meet is just… not good enough. FaceID isn’t a thing really. The health apps on iOS aren’t talked about enough and they’re pretty good as far as I know. Privacy still does seem to be with iphone, the ad blocking is great.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s some Android phones that do some of these things really well or maybe even better. But the iOS stuff is just a really good package overall that delivers a consistent experience. And from what I’ve had in my decade on Android, it continues to be inconsistent for me.

  • Thanks for the feedback! The price is a sticking point but I’m not worried about it because I’m buying used and Apple products seem to have very good resell value. My 4 year old note 10 plus is worth about a 4th of what I bought it for. Meanwhile iphone 11 and 12 pro max phones are worth literally double that or more while starting at the same price. It’s wild.

    Also luckily for me, my partner has a lot of apple tech so I expect I’ll be just fine in that regard. Other than the phone, I can mooch of of them lol.

  • I appreciate that response, very detailed. To be clear I don’t blame Google for not fixing the RCS thing. I just dont see them making any progress. Even if RCS gets through, every android messaging service is still far behind Apple and would take awhile to catch up. iMessage can send payments, play games, has custom reactions, a whole ton of stuff.

    And fingerprint is nice, but most android phones have switched to under the screen readers and I just can’t. They’re extremely inconvenient when compared to scanning my face which is always looking at the device anyways.

    And the OS support is a sticking point. Google and Samsung both suck at this and I can point it out using the Material You thing they did. When it came out, I had no idea what the features were. I had to go watch videos and even then, it didn’t seem like a big upgrade. Because it wasn’t a big functional upgrade for me. And then Samsung had no clue when it would even come to my Note 10 device. So I was left going: what is this update? When will I have it? And why should I care?. I couldn’t answer any of those and its a problem with every Google update imo. Because some features only come go the pixel. And then others will be changed by Samsung.

    Not to mention that Google doesn’t provide support for their features anyways and frequently drops them. Like Apple arcade crushes it while the best that Google can do with gaming is just do a poor imitation of it with zero support.

    So I’m just a little tired of thinking that android phones will improve these things and thought I’d at least try the other side for a change.