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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I mean capitalism is always facing crises like this, and uses whatever means necessary to overcome them. You’ll hear talk in bougie rags about “opening markets”, “creating markets”, etc, that’s often about weathering an overproduction crisis by offloading commodities somewhere else.

    The marketing boom that helped create the hyperconsumerist society of the West was a way of dealing with overproduction by artificially bolstering consumption.

    So, capitalism runs out of commons to enclose, it runs out of places to expand into, resources to process, people to buy the goods, etc; it finds or creates new commons, new frontiers, new markets. Technology will unlock new domains of expansion, each more abstract from the last. Some so abstract that they’ve lost all semblance of the original relationship they’re trying to simulate (NFTs). Wars will destroy infrastructure and allow capital to flow in, consolidate, rebuild, continue the process.

    There’s not a single peak, more like an ebb and flow, creation and destruction. A fungal fractal expanding in every direction and every dimension.

  • Assuming this is coming from a lack of friendship:

    Start with a pet, if possible. Then work your way up.

    Getting my cat a few years ago helped take the edge off so I didn’t come off as so desperate or distant (oscillating between the two extremes).

    Then slowly picked up effective habits and retrained bad habits in interacting with people. Still working on it.

    If you mean you feel lonely within your existing friendships, there’s a degree to which that is “normal” or at least somewhat universal. Some philosophers would say true connection with another person is fundamentally impossible. But even if that’s the case, we can find meaning and beauty in the process of trying to achieve the unachievable. Happiness comes not from finally filling an unfillable lack (a mythical ideal), but the novelty or enjoyment of the process.

  • This is kinda a good example of how everything filters through material class relations, until something that was radical can end up supporting the system.

    A study of Christianity (and I’m sure most religions) is very interesting for this dynamic, a thousand years’ tug of war between liberatory and repressive interpretations of doctrine, each subsuming the other in different ways (usually favoring the elites).

  • rarely anyone else

    Like, the “iron fist” rule as you call it can be debated till the end of time, both the degree to which the characterization is true versus western propaganda/idealism as well as the degree to which it might be necessary to survive the omnipresent fascist and capitalist counterevolutionary movements, both external and internal.

    Buuuuuut literacy rates, cost of living, infant mortality, income equality, life expectancy, gender equality, etc, these all tended to drastically improve in socialist states, compared to pre-socialism (and especially post-socialism when looking at the many states that were violently overthrown and liberalized).