• 10 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • When people eat cereal, there’s generally one debate. Milk first, or cereal first?

    Would it interest you to know that I don’t like milk on my cereal AT ALL? No milk please!

    Or that with the exception of corn, I eat all my vegitables raw only?

    Or that I don’t like dark chocolate?

    I’m trying to think of other things people think is crazy that I don’t like…

    OH! Mac and Cheese.

    I also find it strange that people will defend pineapple on pizza as being “not wrong, just let people enjoy what they enjoy” but will throw a hissy fit if someone were to eat a hot dog sideways, or sit on a toilet backwards (which originally was the intended method).

  • Occasionally there’s even kids there.

    Ew ew ew ew ew ew no. Just…just no.

    Before I wasn’t going to go because I’m not comfortable with my own body. NOW I’ll never go, because I assumed it was 21+. I don’t mind catching a glimpse of adult male nudity (I’m a straight male), because at least it’s an adult consenting to it. But I DO NOT want to see 8 year olds running around naked. Both from a standpoint of I don’t want to see it, AND from the standpoint that I don’t want others knowing they can go there to see it.

    Think about it. Prior to 2012 or whatever year it was, NOBODY would have thought anything wrong with Jarod from subway going to a nude beach. But would you want your 8 year old at the same nude beach as Jarod??? Nobody knew he was into that, and the only reason you know now is because it made the news. The people in your neighborhood WON’T make the news.

    There are various search tools online to see who in your neighborhood has been placed on the sex offender registry. Of the 37 houses on my street, 24 of them have had some form of sexual based arrest since the 1970s.

    Can YOU pick out the predators based on visual glimpse? I can’t.

  • Ok guys. New plan. We “Truman Show” this guy, except we all join together and celebrate a new global holiday. Pizza Day! And we do it on this guys birthday. No prior notice, no online discussion. We just all celebrate pizza day, and gaslight him for never hearing of it before.

    But we do it all day. Just around him. And then the next day we do not understand what he’s talking about.


    Lets see if we can drive him crazy in 48 hours.