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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023


  • It’s completely fair to reject anything they propose until it is clearly shown not to be bad. It is also fair not to examine everything in great detail and assume it will be bad until shown otherwise, because the track record is so strong.

    It doesn’t mean being unwilling to listen to evidence, but it does mean not being willing to put in the effort to check it over without a strong reason to think that it might actually be different this time. Because they can and will put out a torrential deluge of crap just to exhaust people’s ability to critically analyze all of it.

  • Incest porn that was actually labeled as such was pretty common about 15 years ago. By which I mean pretend incest, the performers were not really related but were pretending to be.

    But there was some case where a woman was posting porn of herself and her son that got really well known. After that, I’m not sure whether because of some new legislation or because of just covering asses, they started calling it step-incest instead of pretending it was real.

    In my totally anecdotal experience, incest was getting pretty popular before that time, then it dropped off for a while, and is now picking up steam again. I’m even starting to see slightly more stuff that pretends to be real incest again instead of the stupid step-incest.

    It would be nice if it was easier to filter out what you don’t like though.

  • The concept of a species of intelligent creature that is naturally inclined to servitude and loves it is actually a very interesting concept. There’s nothing wrong with exploring such a concept in a fictional setting.

    Not that they were really explored in the Harry Potter books, but I could certainly see such an exploration being fascinating, since it is wrong to enslave a people and it is wrong to prevent them from doing what makes them happy and fulfilled…which happens to be serving.

  • Christmas lights often have a female plug on the end so you can chain another string to them. They also aren’t designed to care which end the electricity is coming from.

    Now if someone has strung up all their lights, except…oops, they got it backwards, the female end is where the male end should be, and the male end is hanging off the corner of the 2nd story roof, they might be tempted to just use a male to male cord to hook it up instead of having to pull down the entire thing and redo it the other way around.

  • Probably the most painless, foolproof method would be an explosive, just strong enough to turn the entire head into a fine mist, placed right at the base of the neck. The explosion propagates faster than neutron activation can happen, so by the time it would be possible to feel anything, the brain no longer exists.

  • Well, there’s another change that made it more viable - back then people had spare batteries cause they needed them. Now most devices will last a full day of normal use, so the ‘average user’ doesn’t care much about swapping batteries.

    My gripe was physical keyboards. Until they basically disappeared entirely, I tried to buy exclusively devices with physical keyboards. I liked my T-Mobile Sidekick except it could stand to be thinner.

  • People fighting AI are fighting to keep this broken system. AI has the potential to, over the course of this coming century, eliminate all human labor.

    Our objective shouldn’t be to fight that, but to ensure that as it happens, humans are taken care of and the benefits of this propagate to us all, because those who are trying to hoard the benefits to themselves are happy to see people fighting to ‘limit’ the use of AI or to ‘save jobs’ because it means those people are not fighting them.