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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Less upset. More perplexed. You took the time to type out a well thought out and intelligent comment. I agreed with your comment, but you then aggressively shit on mine. Like, to say something on the internet and have people agree without a caveat is rare. To then shit on them is even rarer.

    My guess is that English is not your first language. You have used certain words in our back and forth in a way that no native speaker would use. Which I’m not saying as a negative. Simply pointing out that, as a reason you misinterpreted what I said.

    Either way. I hope you have a good day, and just for what it’s worth. It’s rare that you’ll hear the words “you’re right”. It’s best to graciously accept those wins. Because they won’t come often.

  • You are literally not making any sense. I agreed with your statement. Then I gave a personal account of why I agreed with your statement.

    There is no combat. Because for there to be combat. There would have to be a disagreement. There was no disagreement.

    Are you ESL?

    It’s like if someone said that a lake “didn’t have big fish in it.”

    Then you say “the lake does have big fish”

    Then I come along and say “the lake does have big fish. I know because I’ve caught one.”

    It’s the exact same thing.

  • Jesus Christ on a pogo stick this is spot on,and here’s why. My youngest is autistic. Like, he’s on SSI he’s so autistic. The government pays us a lot of money and covers his healthcare because otherwise they’d have to pay someone else more.

    But every time I post something about him being autistic. Inevitably, someone comments about how “it’ll get better. Because they are autistic and it’s barely a hindrance to them. They are now just shy around people”.

    These people act like autism isn’t a spectrum, and some people aren’t way worse than others. Once I explained that my child’s doctor even said that “He would probably never be able to live on his own”. These people told me to get him another doctor.

    He already goes to the most sought after behavioral specialist in my city. A city that is built around a world class hospital, and connected college. Anyone that does that can go fuck themselves with a burning log of dog shit.

    People that say “I’m autistic”. I automatically assume you are self diagnosed. Maybe start with. “I was diagnosed with autism”.

  • I think that what they were going for here. Is how people say I’m a Christian, but in the same breath talk about how they hate the homeless, or minorities, or homosexuals, or all of the above.

    However, the Jesus of the Bible tells them not to do that. He said to love everyone, and help those in need. Ya know? Stuff like that.

    It’s like if I started a charity called “feed the whales”. So, people decided that sounded like a worthwhile cause, and donated a bunch of money. But after a couple of years in operation someone checked my books and discovered I’d only spent 10% of the money feeding the whales, and the other 90% killing the whales.

    People would be outraged, and rightfully so. They come to me and say hey look at all this whale killing you did, and I responded with yeah but look at all those whales I fed.

    It’s the same thing. Christianity at its heart is a book of stories. At the core though the teachings of Jesus are that we should love each other and care for each other. Yet, when you bring up all the child molesting, and the racism, and other shenanigans. The churches are quick to be like those are all one offs. Besides look at the money we donated to help the homeless and fight abortions. We can’t be racist. We donated money to help inner city kids.

    In the end whether it’s people or a business or a church. You are what you do. Not what you say you do, or what your name would suggest. You are what you do.

  • You know. Some of my fondest memories as a child were on days when my dad would let me stay home from school and we’d go fishing. I loved the outdoors, but I was too young to truly understand why if you carry it in you carry it out. I was too young to appreciate the time he and my grandparents took to teach me edible native plants.

    Then I became a teenager and even an adult, and I was too busy. I didn’t go outside like I should have. I didn’t care.

    Now I’m old, and I’m starting to do those things I loved as a kid. I’m starting to hunt and fish again. But even in my short time on earth the changes I’ve noticed are crazy. Especially in regards to insects that I don’t see anymore.

  • I mean, you are definitely right, but I think people that know that get the joke.

    I have a plan that I want to do, but I need help. I want someone to draw me a furry version of the scene I just described. Then I start posting biblical / Quran fan fiction on Reddit right? Then I post some Abrahamic romance, and the pic or pictures right?

    Like it could be nothing, but it could really blow up and upset some people. Just imagine it. Muhammad as a furry. Never mind a picture of the prophet. He’s a god damned furry. Making love to a white Jesus furry.

  • For what it’s worth. I have a similar username on a quickly dying website. I have had people threaten my life. Tell me that I’ll be punished for eternity. Ya know? That sort of thing.

    But really I prefer to let my winning personality speak for itself. For the most part I like to share my old person knowledge. I figure if I tell someone how I did it wrong. Then maybe it’ll help them do it right.

  • I have a question about cat people. Does their pee smell like cat pee? Because it’s inescapable. When you pee a little residue is left behind.

    So, you pick up a cat person at a bar. Take them home and have wild sex all weekend. Then you show up to work on Monday, and everyone knows what you’ve been up to. Because you reek of cat piss.

    Sure you showered, but you can’t wash off cat piss smell. No, you have to wear it off. It stays with you.

  • You know. That is really my beef with religion.

    It’s like if someone started a nonprofit called “save the whales”. A lot of people see that, join and/or give money to them. Then we look at their finances and see 10% of their money goes to feeding whales, but 90% is used to kill whales. The people, rightfully angry call them out, but the members just argue back about all the whales they are feeding.

    When you ask a religious person what their religion is about. They will tell you it’s a religion of peace, and love. It’s about compassion. But then you watch what they do, and realize they aren’t about that at all. They are a bunch of hate filled sex pests that do all manners of fucked up shit. Then use their god as an excuse. Because faith supersedes common sense every time.