1. If someone claims something happened on the fediverse without providing a link, they’re lying.
  2. Downvotes mean I’m right.
  3. It’s always Zenz. Every time.
  • 7 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024

  • Stop trying to change the subject to evade the question. How did you get from a definition that says “Isolationism is when you oppose intervention in foreign countries” to, “Opposing intervention in Ukraine is only isolationist if you are Ukrainian?” What exactly is your reasoning that brought you from point A to point B, and, furthermore, where are the “five times” that you laid out this reasoning? Give me every single one of the five or admit that you’re wrong. I’m not going to continue the conversation and just allow you to weasel your way out of that, I will not engage on any other point until you answer that.

  • I conclusively proved that everything I said is true 300 times. I will refuse to point to a specific comment or quote a single line where I did it once, but it definitely, 100% happened. So, that outweighs your 5 times easily. And before you try to say you explained it 301 times, I proved you wrong infinity+1 times.

    Or we could not just say bullshit and actually back up our claims, with the expectation that if you claim to have done something, you can point to a specific line on a specific comment where you have done so. I’d prefer to do that, but if you wanna go with bullshit, then fine, I just don’t know why either of us is still here then.

    At this point, even if you could point to anywhere where you supposedly explained your reasoning, I would demand an explanation for why you’ve wasted so much time evading the question. This has been a completely unreasonable and unacceptable response to an extremely basic question. All you had to do was answer once and we wouldn’t be doing whatever this is.

    Once again, trying to have a serious, substantive discussion with a .worlder proves impossible because y’all compulsively lie and do not give a rat’s ass about evidence, and when someone catches you doing it you just call them “crybaby” for calling it out.

  • The point I don’t understand is how my stance doesn’t meet literally the exact definition of isolationism that you provided, in every single way, to a t. You have not explained a single link in your reasoning to arrive at that conclusion, all you’ve done is assert the conclusion over and over again with zero explanation, anywhere, whatsoever. Now you’re repeatedly claiming that you’ve explained it, without being able to point to any explanation anywhere. And now, following your complete inability to defend your absurd position, you’ve resorted to just calling me a troll.

    What an absolute clown.

  • So, you can’t present any line of reasoning. Called it.

    I’m not an idealist at all. You’ve said this several times now but it’s completely wrong. If anything, I’d think you’d call me too cynical. It isn’t realistic for Ukraine to reclaim all of it’s lost territory, and the war is about national interests moreso than helping the average person. How are either of those things idealist rather than cynical or realist? You’re the one who wants to keep fighting regardless of the conditions of the ground purely because you see your side as morally correct. That is idealist.

    Start with proving a single lie ya crybaby.

    You lied about me being an accelerationist. You lied about me not being an isolationist.

    You still can’t explain any of your reasoning at all about how opposing intervention is somehow not isolationist, which, I mean, obviously you can’t, any more that you could prove that 1=2. It’s a completely absurd and unserious claim on its face.

  • So you’re saying you are Ukrainian?

    No, I am not Ukrainian. I oppose my country’s involvement in the conflict. That is an isolationist position, by your definition.

    Walk me through the chain of logic that leads you to say that I would have to be Ukrainian for my opposition to involvement in foreign conflicts to be isolationist. I know that you can’t do this, because you were just spouting off random bullshit when you asked that, but pretending that there’s some bizarre chain of reasoning behind it, what is it?

    And when you can’t provide it, as you’ve been evading doing this whole time, I will be proven right that you’re just another liar.

  • That’s a completely ridiculous take. That’s not isolationism, that’s political disengagement. How do you even manage to say something so wrong?

    Isolationists do not disengage from matters of foreign intervention, we actively oppose it. That’s what isolationism means, and you obviously know that.

    If you actually had any confidence in your position whatsoever, you would have no problem saying that my position is isolationist and that isolationism is wrong. But instead, you’re trying to use wordplay to shift definitions in an attempt to delegitimize my position, by adopting the completely insane stance that wanting non-intervention in a conflict is somehow inconsistent with isolationism.

    This is very blatant bad faith.

  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.mltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPromised Land
    1 day ago

    A one state solution doesn’t mean that everyone in Israel would have to leave. It would just mean that everyone in the region gets an equal voice in governance. Many people would probably choose to leave, in the same way many people left South Africa when their system of apartheid ended.

  • Trump failed in it’s execution because we were still there when he left office. Biden succeeded in it’s execution as evidenced by the fact that we are no longer there.

    I will repeat my question, since you didn’t answer it at all: How do you pull out of the country, watch the inevitable collapse of the regime you spent 20 years building, and hand the county over to your enemies without it being messy and getting egg on your face?

  • I don’t “know” their intent on reunification of the Soviet Union and neither do you. They say the same thing in every conflict we’ve ever been in, the enemy will keep expanding forever so we have no choice but to fight. Remember “Domino Theory” from Vietnam? How’d that play out? Remember how with the War on Terror, it was “If we don’t fight them over there, we’ll have to fight them over here.” Well, we’re not fighting them over there, so where are they? It’s the easiest propaganda line ever because you don’t need any evidence and you can apply it to anyone under any circumstances.

    As for a word for what you’re describing “isolationist” or “dove” would be most appropriate. Peacenik. Defeatist. Pinko. Hell, you could even go with coward, if you like. It’s not as if there’s a shortage of derogatory terms for people advocating peace, it’s a very common thing to deride, historically speaking. Just go back and look at what people were calling me when I opposed the War on Terror if you need some inspiration.

  • That user is an accelerationist


    who wants Donald to drive the US into the ground


    Y’all just casually lie about people constantly, all the time and none of you ever see anything wrong with it whatsoever. You’re backing up someone who is blatantly lying, and who constantly lies about my positions. Back up their claims then, if you claim they’re not a liar, if you claim that “it doesn’t seem like they’re wrong.” Show me that you don’t just blindly accept claims with zero evidence. Show me that you’re not a liar just like they are.