child sexual abuse material
child sexual abuse material registrations are still not open because things like the CSAM spamming on
Alice made an EH matrix but I was unable to join because I “was not invited”
My idea for conntact was to have lets say an email list where if Kapow decides to reopen EH to be able to tell us all or I decide to open my instance to be able to tell y’all
Don’t forget to save your private key. It is your “registration”
How did you host yours? What software did you use? Did you open a channel to someone or did someone opened a channel to you?
If you want to grow your relay look at
No, the reason is that I host a lemmy instance and when updating it the script deletes the current nginx configuration file.
DNS records will prevent it at least for small users. In the case that you are like one of those big nostr only sites you’ll have no issue with a script deleting your config.
I am trying to set up a lightning node but I can’t get it to recieve transactions. I can send sats but cannot recieve. It might be a Wallet of Satoshi issue but I am not sure since it doesn’t give any logs.
Decided to try iris and it deleted all my group chats in nostr. Can you remind me what the EH chat public key is?
I’ve also been looking into this. I hope someone some day will make it possible to do it with DNS reccords instead of .well-known files
IDK. Try to close the matrix window and login with your details into lemmy
About that “ddos attacks vulnerability”. It was cross site scripting vulnerability and as it seems they have updated now
It is still (or was 2 days ago) on 0.18.0 which is vulerable to XSS attacks. I wouldn’t reccomend it
It looks like they have updated now
I don’t think they understand how nostr works
You racist, homphobic, transphobic, misogynistic, anti semitic, xenophobic motherfucker should consider killing yourself.
Obviously sarcasm
The images are not being federated. Only the posts.
That seems exactly like what a troon under cover would say 🤨
New conspiracy: Gov Chris Christie is Alice which is one of Kapow’s alts.
Kapow (aka Alice(aka gov Christie)) has been planing the shut down for months and a week ago he asked the community to see if anyone would complain
Didn’t move to