• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2024


  • On an existential level, a cosmic blip of conciousness inhabiting a stinky primate. Totally insignificant on the grand scale, but also my own personal god. Ultimately, my experience begins and ends with me, so who else but myself should I seek to please? Dont get me wrong, I’m not a sociopath, one of my many joys in life (for which I feel incredibly fortunate) is being kind and loving to my friends and family, helping others to succeed in their goals and being a positive influence in general.

    I also beleive us to be in a deterministic universe, so you might call one a “perfect version” of themselves, in that they are exactly where they always would have been.

  • Ive not taken the time to verify any of the information in this post, but lets assume for the moment that good science has been done and these claims are legit. Lets also take consider other similar research that has been done in the arena of plant and animal “awareness”. Are we approaching a point in the scientific community where some level of awareness ahould be assumed for creatures beyond ourselves? It seems that every time we look close enough at a product of nature (fungus, plants, etc) we discover some new element of what we would call “awareness”. Hell, I’ve even seen claims that certain plants can be anesthetized, with drugs that work on humans no less.

    Say that we discovered life as we know it on another planet, and what that would do to our perception of “life” throughout the universe. Once could be a fluke, twice could be a coincidence, but given the scale of our universe if we were to find any life, in our own galaxy especially, it would drastically change our perception of the rarity of life.

    Now, consider that we have primate relatives who show many of the some properties of awareness that we do, and the pile of other research pointing to varying levels of “awareness” for virtually everything we look at, including creatures such as planta and fungi. How this hasn’t led to a general acceptance that every “living” thing likely has a subjective experience is a bit beyond me, but I also am not a trained scientist, so maybe someone here can shed some light.

  • Mars Express - Really enjoyed this one. Like Scavengars Reign and Blade Runner had a baby.

    Manjummel Boys - Almost lost me with some corny intro stuff, but it picked up quickly after that and turned out really enjoyable.

    Boy Kills World - I read “action movie fever dream” in the description and went for it. Story is a bit flat (it was based on a short film, so whatever) but the fights were pretty awesome, with equally awesome cringe-worthy gore (if you’re into that)

    Civil War - I really appreciated the level of ambiguity in the movie, as it forced me to focus on the experience of the people in the story. Ultimately it doesnt really matter who the bad guys are, war is hell.