• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I’ll try to help as much as I can but I’m in the process of finding a new instance, preferably one that doesn’t federate with rammy or exploding-heads because I know I’ll get plenty of DM harassment otherwise if I don’t due to my defederation campaign.

    Trying to do it soon because rammy is unmoderated and I don’t want to be here when anyone worse comes and starts going to war on the instance with any amount of unspeakably horrible abusive material, there are some really disgusting and illegal lemmy instances out there and rammy has none of them blocked.

    Though there is hope in the future, since rammy is abandoned eventually its hosting or domain-registration (whichever comes first) will run out and when it does the site will go down and their fun will be over.

    In the meantime I’ll focus on spreading the word about rammy.site and making sure people know about this so they’ll never leave their instances abandoned, at least not without turning off registration first.

  • I just looked at the instance list and they’re literally federated with burggit.moe so yeah I would definately describe this instance as a timebomb very much worth defederating, there actually aren’t any instances blocked on here on rammy which seems nice until you realize just how many known awful ones there are that are connected and accessible to rammy.

    This shouldn’t even be something being debated, the instance is abandoned, people are posting hateful content, and it’s federated to the worst of the worst instances on the fediverse.

  • You dumb fuck, you’re one of the assholes running this stupid transphobic brigade, you literally created those communities it’s all your fault this is happening. They’re going to defederate us to keep you out of their safe space because assholes like you literally prey on us Queer folks. Idc if you specifically don’t physically attack us but your followers certain have and do, like it or not you’re responsible for the harm and loss of life that comes to queer people in those hate filled attacks because you platform those Nazis, and yes you are Nazis.

  • They’ll just create more communities, have you seen the community spam on here lately? If they did that fighting against each other do you really think they wouldn’t evade community bans on lemmy.world? Defederation is the only way unless the admin comes back and does a sweeping IP ban of everyone posting shit on here, followed by defederating exploding-heads. I don’t foresee that happening though, admin has been MIA for over a month with no sign of returning and there’s almost no activity here besides me and the assholes from EH.