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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Comey didn’t inform the public. He informed congress who then leaked it to public and Comey only came forward to adress the media after they spread the leak.

    Admittedly he should have also informed congress that Trump was also under investigation for colluding with a foreign state with credible evidence against him, but the FBI won’t reveal ongoing investigations unless Congress orders them to.

  • While she’s not free of blame for losing, the primary opposition party candidate colluding with a foreign power to manipulate the election definitely had more of an effect on the result than anything she did. DNC emails poisoning the progressives support for her while Comey’s investigation into being made public (because of Republicans leaking it) eroded away the support of independents and undecided voters.

    In an alternate world whete the RNC emails got leaked and Comey’s investigation of Trump got leaked to the public and there is no way Trump wins and likely is in handcuffs before Jan 20 2017

  • I’ve got it on ultra settings and have never noticed a frame rate drop. The game is around 4 years old and has a number of bugs, Valve kind of just abandoned it despite it being one of the flagship VR experiences. The software not recognizing a CPU that came out 2 years after launch and perhaps a good six months since it’s been updated isn’t a huge surprise.