• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • As some of you may do too, I belong to the earliest sector of Gen Z. As such, it means that I was part of that experiment of giving unlimited access to the internet to someone from an early age, and after remembering well having seen that one video of a man and a glass jar after barely hitting a double digit age, I can say with some confidence that it was a bad move.

    Of a similar age (debatably either oldest Gen Z or youngest millenial) and personally my take on it is “thank god (or science, or the universe, or whatever) for the internet, otherwise I’d have been even more fucked up” myself tbh. Growing up with a cultish, abusive family and as an extreme minority (Asian in the prairies) I feel there’d have been no hope for me otherwise to have any proper pride and dignity or grow into a better person, among other things.

    That said- while I’d usually agree that maybe we should vet for kids (and libs… but then again I’d be perfectly fine with this space becoming near-wholly defederated even, probably) this space is about as kid-friendly as it gets. No porn, reactionary bullshit gets dunked on or banned real quick, hell, I saw that post where the 'grad decided not even to have gorier war footage in Ukraine- it’s as safe as it gets. FWIW also- if they’re sticking around here, I’d expect the opposite of brainrot to be happening. That’s a good thing.

    wasting their years of brain plasticity on Hoxha-themed soyjaks, anti-psychiatry drama and debates about whether or not the Shining Path was “giga-based” or “turbo-cringe”

    Hell, even your examples of brainrot are… well, brainrot, yes, but the kind that could perhaps at least lead them down the right path (eventually). Better that than most youtube/FB reccs, their social sciences/history classes (if they live in the west- my experiences certainly were full of anti-communist propaganda), sermons at the church at bible camp or whatever, or pretty much any western mainstream news, isn’t it? Hell, I’d even say that frankly it’s better they’re thinking than being effectively lobotomized by such things… the internet may be responsible for a lot of brainrot, but I hold firmly to the position that it has been infinitely more beneficial than not all the same.

    The only reason I can think of for vetting for minors in this case would be if we had issues with people being creeps. But as far as I’ve seen that doesn’t seem to be the case, and hasn’t popped up in the 'grad yet(?) We have good mods, a good community generally.

  • Fair, I never played Starcraft- and only a very miniscule amount of WoW, so it was just OW/Diablo for me. I did play some HotS though and agree, they really did it dirty…

    I’ve not played Horizon though it’s on my list, I got it on sale quite a long while back at this point. Ubisoft’s open-world formula is definitely very stale by now though, I agree. But the titles nowadays are at least gay, my partner sometimes wants to play AC, and as a history nerd I enjoy AC’s settings, so there’s that at least.

  • The rape allegations are already known to be not only false, but completely fabricated by the Swedish government, not even the ostensible “victims” (who didn’t consider it rape, didn’t attempt to charge Assange with rape, and had simply gone to police to try to get him to do another STD check)

    It really shows how farcical it all was- and how much “Swedish neutrality” and all that was a sham, even long before it likely aided in bombing Nordstream, or it joined NATO. It’s literally the “I consent,” “I consent,” “I don’t” meme.

  • To the point that I am not gonna play AAA games other than MCC and CoDM

    Aren’t those- or at least the latter- some of the worst offenders? You do you though, not shaming what you enjoy or anything.

    Personally I play (regularly and/or once in a blue moon) plenty of games that could be considered AAA, though I probably play just as much indies or AA titles. Genshin, HSR, soulslikes, Monster Hunter (deeply excited for Wilds), Guilty Gear, Civ, Baldur’s Gate, various Nintendo titles, etc… Minecraft if that counts…

    I’m generally done with getting new Ubisoft games, and definitely not enough of a sucker to fall for, say, EA/Activision- but even then these all have good preexisting older titles that I already own and can jump into when I like, hell, once in a while Ubi does something interesting enough if you know what you’re getting into (and their games become dirt cheap within a year or two- for most games I’m absolutely a patient buyer).

    The only AAA dev I’d say I’m done with completely is Blizzard, since their Overwatch 2 nonsense. I still like the characters (for OW) and have fond memories of playing Diablo 2 over LAN with my siblings (my dad is a gamer, and passed that on to the rest of us). But there are so many better games of the same or similar genres nowadays- many of them indie and yet far better and cheaper- hell, I don’t think I’d see myself returning even to D2 as a result. There was a bit of curiousity about D4 but I never seriously considered buying it, and that turned out pretty well IMO…

  • Reason #1 is correct too IMO (fuck Konami).

    As for DEI, it should always be a good thing… but then, NGL, having “consulting companies” for it rather than having it organically probably means it won’t have that good an implementation of DEI to begin with IMO. Not that I care about the Sweet Baby Inc. nonsense, but it leaves a artificial taste in my mouth akin to pinkwashing, “girlboss” culture, and most of the NGO industry.

  • Well put, for these reasons honestly I can’t ever see the diminishing of the white, western demographics as a bad thing. They’re not “racially inferior” or whatnot- hell, my partner is white- but statistically speaking, culturally speaking, within the world system and particularly the settler-regimes and imperial cores they have created, they are more likely to be reactionary and opposed to equality than other groups as I see it.

    Until white supremacy and imperialism are completely eradicated as global systems and social diseases, I think that’ll be just how it is. Of course, white individuals like anyone else should be judged by their own personal merits- but as a “race” (the system they created), as a separate group (for all that whiteness is incredibly arbitrary) it’ll take a long time and a lot of changes to return them, and the nations/regions that make up the imperial core as well, to come back down to earth with the rest of the world IMO (not to say “humanity was united before the cracker nations attacked,” but the scars they have left are certainly the most egregious, widespread, and deep of them all IMO).

    The Soviets and the Warsaw Pact strike me as the only group amongst the west to truly try to mend that divide (and the crimes and resulting social corruption of the Russian/eastern European nations was always far, far, far lesser than that of the west Europeans). And even then, so much was undone with their collapse- as I see it even, I’d argue that- while not the primary reason, their whiteness- and thus the ambitions of certain elements of society, to “rejoin the white, western, imperialist bloc,” etc- played a role undermining the union to begin with.